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The Quote

Quote from Doug Judy in the episode PB & J

Doug Judy: I guess I know you better after all.
Jake: Or do you?
Doug Judy: Wait, why are you smiling?
Jake: Because we played you! If you actually knew me, you would have known that I only agreed to do "Who Knows Mo', Friend Or Foe, Are You Fo' Real Or Just Fo' Show?" In order to stall.
Charles: I was in on it. "Estelle Minderman" is the code word we use for when there's a twist, because when Estelle hosts game night at the Senior Center, she always makes sure one of the games has a sexy twist.
Jake: And when I was writing my answers into my phone, I was secretly texting Captain Holt our vehicle description and location. Backup is already on the way. Wait, why are you smiling now?
Doug Judy: Because I played you. I knew you would text for backup. So I changed your contacts while I was DJ-ing.
Doug Judy: Kendrick Lamar, Meek Mill, really a lot of Taylor Swift.
Doug Judy: So when you were texting Captain Holt, you were actually texting Trudy Judy.
Trudy Judy: "State troopers are on their way. Sincerely, Raymond Holt."
Doug Judy: Now my crew knows exactly where we are and exactly what we're driving. Because I know you mo'. Slurp, slurp.

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