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Quote from Charles in the episode Four Movements

Gina: Charles, weirdly, you're kind of the person I'm the closest to here. Don't say why.
Charles: Because I was your brother and your lover? Sorry, I can't control my tongue around you.
Gina: All right, well, here.
Charles: The Boyle family mother dough starter! I'll think of you every time I handle her.
Gina: Oh, man. You know, I never really understood the logic behind the two of us. But I love you and I'm gonna miss you.
Charles: I'm gonna miss you too, Gina.

Quote from Amy in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: Hello, sir. Sorry again for tying you spread eagle on the bed.
Captain Holt: Apology not accepted.

Quote from Madeline Wuntch in the episode Suicide Squad

Jake: And this is rock bottom.
[On the other side of the two-way mirror:]
Madeline Wuntch: Oh, Raymond. This is sad. He's the one you think of like a son, right? Or are you closer to Santiago? Not that it matters. They're both equally going to prison.

Quote from Rosa in the episode He Said, She Said

Amy: But you know what's not sad? That Keri didn't take that insane amount of hush money, and now we get to put a bad guy in jail.
Jake: Amen.
Rosa: Wait, her firm offered her a big deal and you told her not to take it?
Amy: Yeah. Because that would mean letting a sexual assaulter go free.
Rosa: Do you have any physical evidence to prove that he did it?
Amy: No.
Rosa: So it sounds like he might go free anyway. I mean, at least if she takes the deal, she won't walk away with nothing.
Amy: I'm surprised you feel like that. You're such a feminist.
Jake: I feel like maybe I shouldn't be here.
Rosa: I am a feminist, but I'm also a realist. I'm just looking out for the victim.
Jake: Or should I be here because men should be part of the conversation?
Rosa: Let's say best case scenario you do find evidence. She's still gonna have to go through a very public trial where they drag her name through the mud. Even if she wins, she still loses. It's two steps forward, one step back.
Jake: I've landed on active listening. I will no longer be chiming in.
Amy: Yeah, but when one person comes forward, it inspires others to speak up. And that's a hell of a lot better than taking a deal that lets sexual predators walk free.
Rosa: Dude, obviously, I get that. I'm just saying, remember that there's a very real woman here whose career and life are gonna be affected by you pursuing this case. I'm just saying, consider what's best for her.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Crime Scene

Jake: Windows and doors locked from the inside. Nobody in or out. Think, think, think- Oh! The upstairs neighbor and his best friend drilled through the ceiling, murdered Adams, bleed all over the apartment, then climbed back up and sealed the hole behind them!
Franco McCoy: Negative, we would have found construction debris and microscopic paint fibers. The only thing that needs patching is that theory.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Gintars

Captain Holt: I'll ask Commissioner Kelly to approve your initial request for an FBI lab team.
Rosa: That won't be necessary. I solved the case. And the flies actually came in handy.
[cut to Rosa with a perp in the interrogation room:]
Rosa: These have been genetically engineered to detect blood, and there's a whole swarm of them at your apartment right now with Dr.Ronald Yee. The flies don't lie.
Rosa: He confessed immediately.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Gintars

Sergeant Jeffords: So who looks stupid now?
Rosa: Uh, Terry, your left eyebrow is missing.
Sergeant Jeffords: Oh, I must have rubbed it off. There it is. Who looks stupid now?

Quote from Jake in the episode Return of the King

Jake: I want you to stay calm and just try to keep all of your blood inside your body.
Gina: Bitch, what do you think I'm doing?
Jake: Yeah, I don't know why I said that.

Quote from Gina in the episode Return of the King

Gina: Can't believe I just escaped death! I haven't felt this alive since I almost got killed by that bus.
Jake: I know, right? What a rush.

Quote from Charles in the episode Gintars

Jake: But here's what I'm thinking, I call the State Department-
Charles: You've done enough, Jake.
Jake: That's nice of you to say, but-
Charles: My tone wasn't nice.
Jake: But your tone is always nice with me. Wait a minute. Are you mad?
Charles: Yes, because you butted into a situation you shouldn't have. You need to keep your butt in your pants.
Jake: My butt was only out because you said you wanted Gintars gone.
Charles: Well, thanks to your butt, Nikolaj feels like he's been abandoned all over again.
Jake: Okay, but my butt was the one that got them together in the first place. I don't feel like my butt is getting credit for that.
Charles: Well, that's because your butt was inappropriate then too. Your butt should have never been a part of this. So now I gotta go clean up the big nasty mess that your butt made.
Jake: But my butt no but- My butt no but!

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Gintars

Dr. Ronald Yee: Captain Holt, nice to see you again.
Captain Holt: Please, call me Raymond. Unless that feels weird. You don't have to. I'll answer to anything.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Gintars

Rosa: You guys maybe want to have this conversation on your own?
Captain Holt: Yes.
Captain Holt: Okay, we have come to a decision that we would both like to apologize. We should have trusted your instincts over Dr. Yee and his flies.
Rosa: And?
Amy: And we shouldn't have been so insulting.
Sergeant Jeffords: And?
Captain Holt: I'm not gonna apologize for your face. That mess is clearly on you.
Sergeant Jeffords: Fair enough.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Gintars

Captain Holt: Diaz, Jeffords, Santiago would like to apologize to you for her behavior.
Amy: I thought we were both apologizing.
Captain Holt: Oh, I misunderstood. What would I be apologizing for?
Amy: The same thing as me?
Captain Holt: Really?

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Gintars

Dr. Ronald Yee: It tells the story of the first known use of forensic entomology. A farmer was slashed to death. A local judge asked everyone in the town to lay down their sickles. And though they all appeared clean, one attracted a horde of flies. The insects could sense the blood, even though it was invisible to the human eye.
Captain Holt: Wow, what an arresting story.
Dr. Ronald Yee: Yes, they did arrest him.
Captain Holt: Oh. Oh, my. [laughs] We made a joke together.[laughs]

Quote from Scully in the episode Return of the King

Rosa: I'm just not doing it hard enough.
[Rosa knocks a soda bottle to the floor, which starts spurting out]
Scully: Mmm!
Hitchcock: Ooh! That's a double-sponger.
Rosa: All right. I am cleaning this up, and no one is helping me.
Hitchcock: Not a problem.
Scully: Because we're lazy boys.

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