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Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Ticking Clocks

Sergeant Jeffords: Quinn, did you get the alert?
Officer Gwen: Yeah, but I haven't seen anyone unusual down here. I mean, other than 1,000 Kappa Gamma Kappas.
Sergeant Jeffords: At least you didn't have to deal with Lambda Nus. Those girls are savages.
Whitney Grubner: Right? We're the victims here. We have a nighttime event, and if we don't make our blowouts, then we'll all look disgusting, and nobody will give any money to the kids, or dogs, or whatever the charity is.
Barbara Arbara: It's to buy shoes for poor people so they can get jobs.
Whitney Grubner: Yeah.
Sergeant Jeffords: We'll do our best, but it's possible you're gonna miss your event.
Whitney Grubner: That's too bad, 'cause you could use some decent shoes.
Sergeant Jeffords: What? Terry got these at Aldo.
Whitney Grubner: Was it buy one, get one?
Sergeant Jeffords: No, it wasn't. It was a three-for-one Labor Day doorbuster.
Whitney Grubner: Makes sense.

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