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The Quote

Quote from Jake in the episode Balancing

Charles: Jake, Jake, Franzia was in my house. I didn't see anything last night, but when I showered this morning, a new riddle appeared in the steam on the mirror.
Jake: Oh, cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. I also saw a riddle while showering.
Amy: But we didn't shower this morning.
Jake: No, I know, it's just Charles and I have this agreement that when I miss something important on the case, he pretends like I'm still involved... it's normal. Anyways, I'm sure our shower riddles were the same.
Charles: No, I'm sure yours was better.
Jake: Well, just to be sure, why don't you text me yours, and I'll make sure it's the same as mine, and then we can decode it together after Ames and I find a sitter.

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