Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 9316

Quote from Gina in the episode Four Movements

Gina: All right Amy, it's time. Put the book in the barrel. Let's go.
Amy: No! I can't do it.
Gina: What? I thought you wanted us to change you.
Amy: I thought I did too, but I don't. I like having emotions, okay? This is who I am. You're leaving and that's a really big change and I'm gonna cry about it a lot, okay?
Gina: And there it is. Another flawless Gina Moment.
Amy: What? What's going on?
Gina: Amy, the lesson I wanted to leave you with is to just be yourself. If you want to cry like an idiot for hours on end, just do it. You wanna make a big old ugly book full of all my brilliant thoughts, do it. Do you!

 Gina Quotes

Quote from the episode The Mole

Gina: It's Gina's phone. Leave me a voice-mail. I won't check it 'cause it's not 1993.

Quote from the episode Payback

Gina: Is she crying?
Jake: A little.
Gina: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. Now call my other grandma.

Quote from the episode The Party

Gina: All men are at least 30% attracted to me. My mother cried the day I was born, because she knew she would never be better than me. At any given moment, I'm thinking about one thing: Richard Dreyfuss hunkered over eating dog food. I feel like I'm the Paris of people.

 ‘Four Movements’ Quotes

Quote from Captain Holt

Gina: Hey, Craptain, you ready to get curb stomped?
Sergeant Jeffords: What?
Gina: At chess.
Captain Holt: We have a weekly match. I'm teaching Gina to play. And she, in turn, is teaching me to trash talk. The hospital called. Your test results came back positive. You're a stage five dumbass.
Gina: Oh! You have come so far.

Quote from Captain Holt

Gina: But I do know the names. I've simply rebranded them. My queen is Rihanna.
My king is Beyonce. And this little guy is Kevin. Would you be willing to murder Kevin, the love of your life?
Captain Holt: Yes. Chess Kevin means nothing to me.

Quote from Gina

Sergeant Jeffords: This is crazy. I can't imagine the Nine-Nine without you.
Gina: Don't worry. I have a parting gift for all of you. I printed "Time for Gina's Opinion" hoodies for you with your names on them. Oh, there you go.
Jake: Oh, that's fun. So like "Time for Jake's Opinion"?
Gina: What are you, insane? No. It says "Time for Gina's Opinion" in large text on the back and then your names are stitched really tiny on the front.
Jake: Ah.
Gina: I had to guess at some of the spellings.
Amy: Arnie?

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