Quote from Officer Debbie Fogle in the episode The Jimmy Jab Games II
Charles: The show is over, lessons were learned, tears were cried. Just remember, freaks, the real freak is the freak inside. And now, ladies and gentlemen, Debbie Fogel.
Officer Debbie Fogel: [sings off-key] And now our games come to an end We started as freaks but now we're friends And we'll all be friends forever Forever Forever [sporadic applause]
Jake: Well, that was weird.
Quote from Captain Holt
Captain Holt: So Diaz, I figured out why you wanna win. I hacked your work calendar.
Rosa: Those calendars are public. Everyone on the system has access.
Captain Holt: I hacked it. I'm a hacker.
Quote from Jake
Charles: Damn it, my pants. Sorry, everyone. Look away, look away.
Jake: Oh, damn.
Amy: Wow, who knew?
Jake: He really is the greatest showman.
Quote from Hitchcock
Charles: Okay, here we go, everyone. The game begins when the elevator doors ding. Are you ready for the Hellevator?
Hitchcock: Buckle up. The juice is loose! I am, Hitchcock!
Jake: What the [bleep]?