Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 4429

Quote from Charles in the episode Payback

Jake: All right, how much do I owe the rest of you?
Charles: Four thousand and nine dollars.
Jake: What?! How is that even possible?
Charles: June 3rd 2008, paid for you lunch - $8.45. June 3rd 2008, bought you a soda - $1.05. June 4th 2008, lent you $4,000 for an entertainment system.
Jake: There it is.
Charles: Stopped keeping track after that.

 Charles Quotes

Quote from the episode Operation Broken Feather

Sergeant Jeffords: So we have good news, and we have bad news.
Charles: My Nana always said, "Bad news first because the good news is probably a lie." Fun fact: she made me cry a lot.

Quote from the episode The Big House Pt.1

Sergeant Jeffords: Boyle! Were you dreaming about Jake again?
Charles: Why did you wake me up?! I told you never to wake me up!

Quote from the episode Into the Woods

Charles: Is the equipment secure?
Jake: Check.
Charles: Weapon loaded?
Jake: Check.
Charles: Did you have breakfast?
Jake: What? That's not on the checklist.
Charles: I added it because I care about you.
Jake: No, I did not have breakfast.
Charles: Unacceptable. Look in your pocket.
Jake: Hey, there's little chocolate chips in this.
Charles: Yeah, I'm not an idiot. I know how to trick my best friend into eating his fiber.

 ‘Payback’ Quotes

Quote from Captain Holt

Amy: Captain, how are you feeling?
Captain Holt: Better today. I even managed to eat some plain toast this morning.
Amy: Smart. Something bland.
Captain Holt: That's my favorite breakfast.

Quote from Captain Holt

Amy: Maybe we should talk about deets for the case. Plan our next move. Grab some chow.
Captain Holt: No need. I brought these. Nutrition bricks. I have original no flavor, and whole wheat no flavor.

Quote from Gina

Gina: Is she crying?
Jake: A little.
Gina: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. Now call my other grandma.

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