The Crime Scene Season 6, Episode 6 - Aired February 14, 2019

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Jake and Rosa must deal with a mother in mourning as they work and rework a crime scene in order to solve a difficult murder case with confusing evidence.

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Guest Stars: Michael Mosley as Franco McCoy, Loretta Fox as Luann, Olga Merediz as Julia Diaz, CJ Barkus as Perp, Kelli Kirkland as Officer Jen, Carl Tart as Max Prescott

Writers: Justin Noble

Director: Michael McDonald

Available on iTunes

Episode Quotes

Jake: So, we gonna talk about what happened back there? I haven't seen someone cry that much since Charles heard they were remaking "First Wives Club."

Captain Holt: I'm here because Major Crimes wants this case. I was hoping to tell them you have some leads. I overheard you mention a Bill Bo-Baggins. Should we bring him in?
Jake: Well, as much as I would love to meet him, he is not a suspect.

Jake: Whoo! I love the first walkthrough of a crime scene. It's kind of like arriving at summer camp, except the lake is full of blood and your bunk mate is dead. I think I might be bad at metaphors.

Rosa: Where's the footage from the bodega across the street?
Jake: We have that? That is so crazy. We are under surveillance at all times. I'm sure it's fine and it won't backfire and ruin society. Zoom in on his face.

Franco McCoy: That man's not CSI.
Jake: No, Franco. But he is about to say CS-Bye. Yeah-ow!
Franco McCoy: Respect, Jake. Respect.

News Stories

Title Date Posted
606 'The Crime Scene' Press Release January 29 2019

NBC has released the synopsis for the February 14 episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, "The Crime Scene".  Full story