Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 11512

Quote from Amy in the episode The Set Up

Frank O'Sullivan: Now, what's going on?
Amy: You set up my husband! You're using him to blackmail me into dropping police reform. We're getting you drunk so you can admit it.
Frank O'Sullivan: I'm not blackmailing Jake. When I blackmail somebody, you'll know it. I own my blackmailing.
Amy: Then what did you mean when you said I'd be sorry if I didn't drop police reform?
Frank O'Sullivan: I was talking about taking your snacks.
Amy: Huh?
Frank O'Sullivan: Oh, come on. Who do you think broke the vending machine that got Detective Flat Top all riled up, stole Detective Little Guy's candy shipment, and swapped out Sergeant Muscle Guy's candy for seasonal fruit?
Rosa: Your people.
Frank O'Sullivan: Bingo. And it's driving your guys crazy. Now, if your precinct would like to get their candy back. I'd be willing to negotiate.
Amy: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So when you told Jake you could get him out of his suspension, that wasn't blackmail?
Frank O'Sullivan: If I am passionate about one thing, it's getting cops off without punishment. How dare you turn that into something dirty? Shame on the both of you.

 Amy Quotes

Quote from the episode Christmas

Amy: Sir, I'm sure you had your reasons for going to Peralta, but this is exactly the type of job I would love to have.
Captain Holt: Okay, the next time someone threatens to kill me, I'll come straight to you.
Amy: Thank you, sir. I can't wait. I didn't mean- Let's catch this bastard.

Quote from the episode 99

Jake: You might wanna stand back for this, sir. It can get pretty intense.
Amy: [YELLING] All right, you mooks, our union health plan has 100% reimbursement for out-of-state ambulance rides. Scully will fake a medical emergency.
Scully: Don't need to fake it. Always having at least one.
Amy: Great. You call an ambulance and have it take us here to Monroe, Louisiana. The ambulance can drive 25 miles over the posted speed limit, so we'll get there by 9:00 p.m. There's a small airport there, mostly servicing crop dusters. Of course, they can't take passengers, but thanks to a loophole in H.R. 377551, police officers are allowed to commandeer any plane in the interest of national security. The crop duster will land at an airstrip outside of Finksburg, Maryland. We'll take a cab to Baltimore, jump on the 6:48 a.m. train to New York, arriving at 9:26. Kevin will meet us at Penn Station with a fresh Captain's uniform. From there, it's a 29-minute cab ride to One Police Plaza. You change on the way, and we should get to your meeting with five minutes to spare. Stop clapping, you idiots! We gotta move, move, move!
Jake: I love her.

Quote from the episode Lockdown

Jake: And our second option is surveillance footage of Detective Amy Santiago soliciting drugs using perfect grammar.
Amy: It's not that weird to say, "may I have some cocaine?"
Jake: It is.

 ‘The Set Up’ Quotes

Quote from Charles

Charles: Really never seen Speed, sir? Keanu Reeves, Sandy Bullock, Jeff Daniels at the height of his sexual powers?

Quote from Charles

Charles: Uh-oh, I know that strut. Little hip swing, playful butt bounce... Somebody made a collar!
Jake: Not loving you talking about my butt bounce, but, also, hell, yeah, someone collared a big dog!
Charles: Woof, woof!

Quote from Rosa

Rosa: So you lost a Speed That sucks. At least you didn't have a Sister Act taken from you.
Captain Holt: Bracco confessed. The undercover operation is over.
Rosa: But I just got a spot in the choir.
Jake: Wait, is that the real reason you left the force?
Rosa: It didn't help.

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