Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 7008

Quote from Gina in the episode Game Night

Gina: Mm, thanks for saying that, and I don't know, uh You know what? You can have your blackmail files back. I don't want 'em anymore.
Amy: Gina, these are just photos of me in my everyday clothes.
Gina: [CHUCKLES] I know. It's painful, right?

 Gina Quotes

Quote from the episode Payback

Gina: Is she crying?
Jake: A little.
Gina: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. Now call my other grandma.

Quote from the episode The Party

Gina: All men are at least 30% attracted to me. My mother cried the day I was born, because she knew she would never be better than me. At any given moment, I'm thinking about one thing: Richard Dreyfuss hunkered over eating dog food. I feel like I'm the Paris of people.

Quote from the episode Boyle-Linetti Wedding

Gina: My mom is marrying, shudder, Charles's dad, toilet emoji.

 ‘Game Night’ Quotes

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Diaz, you should be very proud of yourself. I know things aren't exactly where you wanna be right now, but, uh, I promise you they will improve.
Rosa: Thank you, Captain.
Captain Holt: Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So thank you.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Maybe just be honest with them. Right? Tell 'em how you feel. Like, you could say, "Mom, Dad, I'm bisexual. But I'm still your daughter. I'm still the same person that I've always been. And who I love will never change that.
And you guys raised me to be strong and confident. And I don't wanna hide who I am anymore. I am bi."
Rosa: Damn. That was-
Jake: "And I know that this may come as a shock to you, but it's my truth. So I hope you can accept that."
Rosa: Jake-
Jake: "Maybe you still see me as your little girl, but I'm woman now. And I know my own heart."
Rosa: You done?
Jake: Yeah. Wow, that felt amazing. I really disappeared into it. Should I become an actor?
Rosa: Absolutely not.
Jake: Copy that.

Quote from Rosa

Captain Holt: Anything else?
Rosa: Uh, yes. Something I'd like to say. I'm a pretty private person so this is kinda hard for me, but here we go. I'm bisexual. All right. I will now field one minute and zero seconds of questions pertaining to this. Go.

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