Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 5091

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Det. Dave Majors

Captain Holt: Gary Shaw has attempted to pry me away from the NYPD for eight years. When he makes his offer, I know just what I'll say. Never's not just a crater on Mars.
Of course, it is a crater on Mars.
Charles: That's hilarious.
Captain Holt: It's not meant to be funny, Boyle. It's meant to be devastating.

 Captain Holt Quotes

Quote from the episode Ding Dong

Rosa: All you have to do is say a few nice comments during the memorial.
Captain Holt: As God said when Wuntch tried to sneak past the gates into heaven, "It ain't happening, honey."
Rosa: [cackles]

Quote from the episode Payback

Amy: Captain, how are you feeling?
Captain Holt: Better today. I even managed to eat some plain toast this morning.
Amy: Smart. Something bland.
Captain Holt: That's my favorite breakfast.

Quote from the episode Payback

Amy: Maybe we should talk about deets for the case. Plan our next move. Grab some chow.
Captain Holt: No need. I brought these. Nutrition bricks. I have original no flavor, and whole wheat no flavor.

 ‘Det. Dave Majors’ Quotes

Quote from Gina

Gina: If Rosa had a twin, she would have eaten her in the womb.

Quote from Gina

Charles: Are you leaving us for Copperhead?
Gina: Because I am prepared to light Charles on fire in protest.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords

Sergeant Jeffords: My own office. With walls!
Charles: Did you tell him Terry doesn't love walls?
Sergeant Jeffords: No, Terry loves walls.

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