Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quote 9207

Quote from Gina in the episode Hitchcock & Scully

Jake: Thanks for getting there so fast today, sir. Were you able to still do your interview?
Gina: He did not. However, I did so.
[cut to footage of a news interview with Gina, who is gesticulating wildly:]
Gina: The real question is what are police?
Grace Maravilla: I'm sorry. Who are you again?
Gina: They said they've never had more viewer complaints. Controversial and loving it.

 Gina Quotes

Quote from the episode The Mole

Gina: It's Gina's phone. Leave me a voice-mail. I won't check it 'cause it's not 1993.

Quote from the episode Payback

Gina: Is she crying?
Jake: A little.
Gina: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. Now call my other grandma.

Quote from the episode The Party

Gina: All men are at least 30% attracted to me. My mother cried the day I was born, because she knew she would never be better than me. At any given moment, I'm thinking about one thing: Richard Dreyfuss hunkered over eating dog food. I feel like I'm the Paris of people.

 ‘Hitchcock & Scully’ Quotes

Quote from Jake

Hitchcock: Look, guys, we never had that money. Here. We'll prove it to you.
Scully: Those are our financial records.
Hitchcock: I don't have any retirement. I don't have any security, or a car. I rent most of my clothes.
Jake: We get it. You're poor.
Hitchcock: I'm not just poor, son. I'm destitute.
Jake: Definitely not a wink-able line.

Quote from Hitchcock

Jake: Wait a minute. Why do you pay for a monthly parking spot?
Charles: Because it's New York. It's hard to park.
Jake: Yeah, but he just said he doesn't have a car. So what's parked in this spot you don't want us to know about? Could it be a super-expensive sports car, paid for in cash?
[cut to a parking garage:]
Jake: Nope. It's just a sketchy old sex van.
Hitchcock: There is nothing sketchy about the Beaver Trap.
Jake: Yes, there is.

Quote from Hitchcock

Charles: All right, calm down. We're not accusing you of anything, right, Jake?
Jake: Kinda was.
Hitchcock: This is crazy! We're innocent!
Scully: IA is railroading us like Holt said, and you're joining in the witch hunt!
Hitchcock: You're fake news! Sad!
Jake: Yeah, that's definitely the language of the innocent.

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