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Quote from the episode Windbreaker City

Agent Kendrick: What are your demands?
Jake: A guarantee that this drill doesn't end until one of us is dead.
Charles: Also, one large pizza with fennel sausage - brick oven, otherwise it's sog city. And Scully needs some Gasinex, extra strength.
Scully: Chewable!

Quote from the episode Windbreaker City

Scully: I really need that Gasinex. I think there was some dairy in the cheesecake that I ate for breakfast.

Quote from the episode Payback

Jake: If anything goes wrong, Scully fake a heart attack.
Scully: What are you thinking? Classic angina or something sexier like myocardial-infarction?
Jake: Just drop down onto the ground and wiggle.

Quote from the episode Beach House

Jake: All right, anyone else have questions? Hitchcock, Scully, you've been weirdly silent.
Scully: We didn't want to say anything that would get us uninvited.

Quote from the episode Beach House

Hitchcock: Holt's the big fish we've been waiting for. We have an exciting investment opportunity to pitch him.
Jake: What?
Scully: It's an off-shore casino that's currently sunk off the coast of Delaware.

Quote from the episode The Road Trip

Scully: Hey, Boyle. I smell burning. Is Hitchcock roasting corn on the radiator again?
Charles: No. What you smell is the burning wreckage of my relationship with Holt.
Scully: So there's no corn on the cob?

Quote from the episode Lockdown

Amy: Oh, so your plan is to not take this seriously at all?
Jake: Oh, I am as serious as a heart attack. No offense, Scully.
Scully: Nah. Mine are never that serious. I call 'em "oopsies".

Quote from the episode Lockdown

Jake: We're doing fine here.
Scully: Not Hitchcock. He got trapped out on the balcony. I don't like him alone out there, not with his history. I mean, what if he gets up on a ledge?
Jake: What, you think he's gonna jump?
Scully: No, he's just always falling off things. He's got a worm living in his ear that affects his balance.

Quote from the episode The Mole

Scully: Yeah, I hear you. My dog has taken over my favorite chair. It's like, how did it all slip away?

Quote from the episode Undercover

Scully: I accidentally smiled at you last week and you shined a laser pointer in to my eye and screamed "Perv!"

Quote from the episode Unsolvable

Rosa: Are those thumbtacks? What the hell, Scully?
Scully: I thought they'd make good confetti.
Sergeant Jeffords: Why?

Quote from the episode Unsolvable

Charles: Since when are you two in to being such good detectives?
Scully: Since it came to secret bathrooms.

Quote from the episode The Party

Scully: I met my wife at an orgy. Well, she was leaving an orgy, and we bumped into each other on the street. Real meet cute.

Quote from the episode Sal's Pizza

Scully: I found my gun. It was in my holster. My holster's on my butt.

Quote from the episode 48 Hours

Scully: Hi guys. There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is my salt water taffy place was closed.
Captain Holt: And the good news?
Scully: Whitman's alibi checked out. Security footage from Torque shows he was there.
Jake: That's not good news. That's bad news.
Scully: Right, that is bad news. It's on me. Sorry.

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