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Quotes from ‘HalloVeen’


Season 5, Episode 4 - Aired October 17, 2017

The Nine-Nine embarks on its fifth annual Halloween Heist and, as usual, everybody has a plan and no one is safe. Relationships and friendships are tested as the title "Amazing Human Slash Genius" must be snagged by midnight, leaving everyone pitted against each other.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Okay, here it goes. Ames, I love you. I love how smart you are. I love how beautiful you are. I love your face, and I love your butt. I should've written this down first.
Amy: No, no, it's okay. Go on.
Jake: I love how much you pretend to like Die Hard.
Amy: I like the second one.
Jake: You don't have to.
Amy: Okay.
Jake: Yeah. You're kind, and you're funny, and you're the best person I know, and the best detective. Also, for reals, I love your butt.
Amy: I love yours too.
Jake: Gross. Amy Santiago will you marry me?
Amy: Jake Peralta, I will marry you.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Halloween. Mua-ha-ha-ha. It's heist time. Argh!
Amy: Thought you could get a head start on heist prep? Good luck. I'm already dressed.
Jake: Well, I'm also dressed, and I made breakfast. Wait, where are my eggs?
Captain Holt: In my belly. [BOTH SCREAM] Now get a move on, it's heist time.
Jake: I love Halloween!

Quote from Jake

Jake: [flashback] Mr. Santiago, I'm calling to inform you that I plan to ask your daughter to marry me, but since it's 2017, I am not asking you for your permission, as she is not your property, nor would she be mine, if she chooses to say yes. She's a strong independent woman, and she don't need no man. That being said, I truly hope she says yes. But it's her decision, so just back off!
Amy: Aww, that was perfect. What did he say?
Jake: I have no idea, I left a voicemail. I'm terrified of him.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Cheddar! Where is my dog?
Sergeant Jeffords: Aren't you standing right next to him?
Captain Holt: This bitch? Please.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Wait a minute this isn't the championship cummerbund. This is some common cummerbund. And you're not Cheddar. You're just some common bitch.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Look, no one gave me the idea. I decided to ask Amy to marry me all on my own on April 28th.
Amy: [GASPS] There's a typo in this crossword puzzle.

Quote from Jake

Jake: The only way we're gonna win is if we team up.
Amy: Good point. I guess my response is ... rot in hell, crap-face! [GASPS] Also, I love you, and I treasure you, and ya bore me.
Jake: God, you're being so mean. Do it more.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Cheddar? Cheddar? Shake. Ah, good grip, pristine coat. That's my doggie! You betrayed me. You'll explain yourself later. Return to my office.

Quote from Amy

Jake: Insult me all you want, for I have only this to say-
Both: Victory shall be mine!
Amy: I heard you practicing in the shower. You can't surprise me. Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made.
Jake: Cool, fun take on our relationship.

Quote from Gina

Rosa: Hey, Gina just texted me. She said, "Weird, I didn't even realize they were dating. JK, so happy for you bitches."

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: None of you stand a chance against me. No courage, no patience, no brains, and, of course, a bald old man.
Sergeant Jeffords: I'm younger than you.
Captain Holt: No comeback for the bald thing, I see.

Quote from Rosa

Sergeant Jeffords: It was eight weeks.
Rosa: I also went to prison, dog.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: So, where on Gina's mobile should I place this moonless Jupiter? I pity the child who lies beneath this solar system.

Quote from Amy

Captain Holt: And no one won the heist.
All: Captain!
Jake: Get over it, ya jag!
Amy: Yeah, ya jag!

Quote from Scully

Hitchcock: Hey, Captain, something's going on with this heist. You tell us everything you know, and we'll tell you everything we know.
Captain Holt: I'd rather not.
Scully: [CHUCKLES] Jokes on you, we don't know anything.
Captain Holt: Well, good day then.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Well, if I'm sweating, as you claim, it's because I was watching an exciting video on the net.
Hitchcock: Really? What?
Captain Holt: It was a video of an American gymnast. His leotard ripped, exposing his butt. It was highly erotic.
Hitchcock: You're lying. I.T. just installed blocker software, thanks to moi.
Captain Holt: Uh, yes, but they didn't install it on my computer, because I'm a captain.
Hitchcock: You don't look hot and bothered at all to me. Show us the erotica.
Captain Holt: Gentlemen, I assure you, there's nothing to see.

Quote from Jake

Rosa: [on radio] Check in, Boyle, check in.
Charles: Uh-oh, Jake, they check in every ten minutes, and I have to respond with a code only we know.
Jake: [to the radio] I am a Tramp.
Rosa: [on radio]- Copy that.
Jake: Did I guess it? Did I guess the code? I couldn't hear what Rosa said back, but was that right?
Charles: You got it.
Jake: Yeah, I thought so, okay.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: I know one of you took Cheddar, and you did it for the sake of the heist, but if anything happens to him, I will end you. I couldn't bring myself to neuter Cheddar, but I will neuter you all.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords

Amy: Terry also loved the show. This is him.
Sergeant Jeffords: No, no, I love Elisabeth Moss. Terry thought the show was too bleak.

Quote from Charles

Charles: Look, Sarge, I think everyone knows that I planted the idea in Jake's head eight years ago.
Amy: [flashback] Oh, hi, I'm starting today. Detective Santiago.
Jake: Oh, Detective Peralta. Welcome aboard.
Charles: I'm hearing wedding bells. Hi, Detective Boyle.
Amy: [present day] That actually really slowed things down. It took, like, four years for me to forget that memory.
Charles: Yeah, I'm my own worst enemy.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Some of you have asked me what got me through prison. Was it my family? Don't be stupid. Was it knowing that my friends would eventually get me out? Of course not, I never believed in any of you. No, the only thing that kept me sane was planning for the Halloween heist those many years doing hard time.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: Well, I for one think you're perfect for each other-
Jake: Feel like there's gonna be more.
Captain Holt: Because you're both losers.
Jake: There it is.

Quote from Charles

Jake: They fell for it.
Charles: Hook, line, and sphincter.
Jake: It's sinker.
Charles: No, it's sphincter. That's where you put the hook in when you're eeling.
Jake: Well, I never use that expression again.

Quote from Amy

Jake: Will you please help me get out of this? It's not for the heist. I just really have to pee.
Amy: I know you don't drink water. You pee once every two days. And you went this morning.
Jake: Damn it, you know me so well.

Quote from Rosa

Amy: I don't understand, who took it?
Rosa: We haven't heard from Charles in an hour. Maybe he betrayed The Tramps. Oh, God, I just called us The Tramps. What have I become?

Quote from Amy

Jake: All right, how about this? I've got top secret info about various dealings. If you let me out of these cuffs, I'll share it with you.
Amy: What kind of info?
Jake: Well, first off, Wolf Gina-
Amy: Was just a ruse so you and Charles could steal the belt.
Jake: Yeah-huh, but also-
Amy: Charles teamed up with Rosa and Terry to form The Tramps.
Jake: Gah! How did you know that?
Amy: I gave Charles the idea last year.

Quote from Rosa

Rosa: it's really cool that you guys opened it up to anyone.
Jake: Thanks. Yeah, we talked about it, and we just felt like it was only fair.
Rosa: I was being sarcastic. You all suck, and I hope Jake goes back to jail.
Jake: Oh, cool, I'm glad everyone feels comfortable joking about that.
Rosa: Not joking.

Quote from Captain Holt

Jake: We're getting off track here.
Captain Holt: No, we're not, dog. Peralta's just trying to play the sympathy card so we all go easy on him. I'd rather send you back to prison than see you win.

Quote from Jake

Sergeant Jeffords: Not to talk out of turn, but I think I get credit for giving Jake the idea to propose.
Jake: How's that?
Sergeant Jeffords: Remember? That day in the kitchen. [flashback] So, what I'm saying is, vanilla yogurt is good, but pair it with a blueberry yogurt, and both of them taste even better. Get it?
Jake: Yes?
Jake: [present day] I did not get it, but speaking of yogurt, you've eaten six GPS devices this week. You should see a doctor.

Quote from Jake

Amy: This year, the competition is not limited to winners of the past heists.
Jake: That's right. Any man, or woman - #Resist - can enter. It's open to everyone.

Quote from Captain Holt

Jake: - Okay, this year, we compete for the most elegant and regal of all prizes-
Captain Holt: A championship cummerbund.
Jake: Or belt, as normal people call it.
Captain Holt: Belt! I'd like to see the pair of slacks whose loops are large enough for this belt. No, it is a cummerbund.
Jake: Well, whatever it is-
Captain Holt: Cummerbund.

Quote from Captain Holt

Captain Holt: So, since Peralta altered the cummerbund, no one really won the heist this year. Is that what everyone's thinking?
Sergeant Jeffords: Captain!
Captain Holt: Right, right, sorry. Not the time. I'm so happy for you both. Technically, there was no winner. Continue.

Quote from Amy

Amy: I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now.
Jake: "I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now," title of your sex tape.
Amy: Oh, my God, I'm shaking. I'm definitely gonna cry. Title of your sex tape.

Quote from Amy

Amy: The dust pattern on top doesn't match its neighbors. You see, Jake, I'm always gonna be one step ahead of you. You've lost the ability to surprise me. Ya just plain boring.
Jake: Again, weird take on a very loving relationship.

Quote from Jake

Amy: What did you give fake Charles so he'd help you?
Jake: Nothing. In fact, he gave me something, the power of financial freedom. I invested in a pyramid scheme. It's no time to go into it right now.

Quote from Captain Holt

Amy: Do you guys think all that radiation is bad for him?
Jake: I'm sure he'll be fine.
Captain Holt: He's lived a long life already.

Quote from Rosa

Amy: Uh-oh, it's not turning. Jake: I guess I'm not quite as predictable as you thought. And I also bet none of you can predict what I'm gonna do next.
Rosa: Use your key to open the safe and act like a dick about it?
Jake: Yes, obviously that's what I'm gonna do, Rosa. You just have to be so spot-on all the time.

Quote from Jake

Jake: And the lock is turning, and the safe is ... empty? What?
Captain Holt: There's no cummerbund?
Jake: Never was. It was always a belt.

Quote from Charles

Charles: Nice, Sarge! Keep lifting heavy stuff like that, and maybe you'll work off some of that bulk, huh?
Sergeant Jeffords: What?

Quote from Hitchcock

Hitchcock: Hello. Blessed be the fruit, baby.
Rosa: Hitchcock, you watch that show?
Hitchcock: Watch what? That's my pickup line.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords

Sergeant Jeffords: Everybody stop undressing. We just had harassment training.

Quote from Amy

Amy: I told you, I'll always be one step ahead of you. You can't surprise me. Ya boring.

Quote from Scully

Scully: Wait, why are you sweating?
Captain Holt: I'm not sweating.
Scully: No, I've had enough heart attacks to know what sweating looks like, and that's sweat.

Quote from Rosa

Sergeant Jeffords: Good job, guys.
Charles: Oh, nothing can stop this Tramp train.
Rosa: Boyle, stop finding variations on a word we hate.

Quote from Amy

Rosa: "Handmaid's Tale." This is Amy. She won't shut up about how relevant that show is - in today's political landscape.
Amy: It's relevant as hell, but I'm not doing anything.

Quote from Amy

Sergeant Jeffords: I'm just interested in your comings and goings, because I care about you as a friend.
Amy: Okay, friend, I went to the bathroom.
Sergeant Jeffords: Well, you were gone a long time, friend. You feeling okay, friend?
Amy: No, it was number two, and it was very intense, friend.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Now, if everyone would rise. Rise like the army of the dead, and follow me into the bullpen of destiny. This heist, the belt will not be locked up or hidden away. It will be suspended from the ceiling in plain sight for all to see.
Captain Holt: How poetic. It will hang just out of reach, like Tantalus's fruit.
Jake: Yes, that's where I got the inspiration from, Greek mythology, not an episode of the Nickelodeon show "Guts."

Quote from Charles

Sergeant Jeffords: I'm sick of you, Amy, and Holt winning.
Rosa: You're all so damn smug.
Charles: Yeah, you guys may be champs, but this year this year belongs to The Tramps.
Jake: Charles, that's a bad name.
Charles: Ha, you're just jealous. Everyone loves it.
Rosa: No.
Sergeant Jeffords: Nuh-uh.

Quote from Jake

Jake: Didn't think I could get out of my cuffs, did you, Boyle? But you forgot about one important thing-
Charles: NutriBoom.
Jake: NutriBoom! That's right. I'm in the President's Circle now.

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