Sergeant Jeffords Quotes Page 16 of 37

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Quote from the episode Jake & Amy

Sergeant Jeffords: But you never know when you're gonna find your dream person.
Anyone on the street could be they.
Rosa: All right, it feels like you Googled "how to talk to your bisexual friends."
Sergeant Jeffords: Yeah.

Quote from the episode Cinco De Mayo

Jake: Ah. There you are. I've been looking all over. Woah. That's a lot of yolks. Are you stress eating again or is this just a small Terry snack?
Sergeant Jeffords: I'm stress eating, Jake. My snack yolks are in that bowl.

Quote from the episode Jake & Amy

Sergeant Jeffords: Rosa! What the hell are you doing?
Rosa: What? You were the one that said-
Sergeant Jeffords: That was before the veil went missing, when life was breezy!

Quote from the episode Jake & Amy

Alicia: So I only had one passenger after you, and he got off here.
Sergeant Jeffords: Well, what did he look like?
Alicia: I don't know. I mean, he was wearing some dumb hat. I'm sorry, I know that's not helpful-
Rosa: All hats are dumb. Ha! [snort]
Sergeant Jeffords: What the hell? Is that your laugh?

Quote from the episode Ticking Clocks

Captain Holt: Jeffords, get him into holding.
Sergeant Jeffords: With pleasure. You're about to have a really bad day. Give me that. Look at his pants, ladies. They're relaxed fit. Uh-oh. Is that a braided belt?

Quote from the episode Ticking Clocks

Jake: It's empty.
Amy: And there's nothing plugged in to the Internet port.
Jake: But Knox said he got a NOS ping. I mean, NOSes don't just ping themselves, guys.
Sergeant Jeffords: Jake, stop. You're not fooling anybody. You don't know anything about computers.

Quote from the episode Coral Palms Pt. 2

Captain C.J. Jason Stentley: Here's how it happened. I had an appointment at my dermatologist at 402 7th Avenue. But I went to 204 7th Avenue by mistake. It's like numbers are so crazy, am I right?
Hitchcock and Scully: Amen.
Sergeant Jeffords: Not really.

Quote from the episode Coral Palms Pt. 2

Amy: I think we all agree that C.J. is, to put it mildly, not very impressive.
Sergeant Jeffords: I watched him try to close the blinds in his office for 40 minutes. He finally just gave up and changed his pants with the windows wide open.

Quote from the episode Ticking Clocks

Sergeant Jeffords: Oh, come on. Get down from there.
Heather Monitz-Glausch: Do you know who my father is? He's in business. That's where you actually make money at your job.
Sergeant Jeffords: I make money. I make good money.
Heather Monitz-Glausch: That can't be true. Otherwise, you wouldn't still have that chin.
Sergeant Jeffords: What? Nobody ever said anything about my chin? Boyle, is something wrong with Terry's chin?
Charles: I don't want to get involved.
Sergeant Jeffords: Oh, my God. It's true.

Quote from the episode Coral Palms Pt. 2

Sergeant Jeffords: Hey, Santiago, come with me a sec.
Amy: Why? So you can show off some new cool thing that C.J. got you? Let me guess, golden suspenders?
Sergeant Jeffords: Can you imagine? I would look amazing.

Quote from the episode The Overmining

Sergeant Jeffords: Amy, I won!
Amy: You did it, Sarge. You're gonna get our power usage down.
Sergeant Jeffords: I don't care about that crap. I took down Gina Linetti. I did the impossible. Terry is back on top. Diaper up!

Quote from the episode Halloween IV

Captain Holt: Now let's pick teams.
Sergeant Jeffords: I've got a ton of work. You can just leave me out this year.
Jake: Interesting. Interesting.
Amy: Oh, Terry, Terry, Terry.
Sergeant Jeffords: What?
Captain Holt: How naive do you think we are? You're "not participating" so you can sneak under our noses and steal a victory, like Santiago did last year.
Sergeant Jeffords: I'm going to my desk. Heists are dumb.

Quote from the episode Halloween IV

Rosa: Look who I found hiding in the interrogation room: this guilty son of a bitch.
Sergeant Jeffords: Still your sergeant.

Quote from the episode Casecation

Jake: Okay, why don't you two lock down the nurses' station while Amy and I secure the room?
Amy: Actually, I'd rather be with Rosa.
Sergeant Jeffords: Uh-oh.
Rosa: Damn, Jake.
Jake: [sighs] Thanks a lot, Sarge.
Sergeant Jeffords: You told me to sing!
Jake: Yeah, but what was all this?
Sergeant Jeffords: That's just Terry being Terry.

Quote from the episode Monster in the Closet

Adrian Pimento: When I was in that Uzbek prison, choking on my own blood because my face was being beaten in, I realized, life is funny!
Sergeant Jeffords: That's what you realized?

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