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Quote from the episode Halloween II

Gina: And while I generally nail everything, I'm just having trouble balancing my studies and my passion for dance.
Sergeant Jeffords: Plus, you're working full-time.
Gina: Yeah, that actually doesn't factor into it whatsoever.

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Sergeant Jeffords: Apparently he's on an important call with the Albanian president.
Amy: Is that Bujar Nishani or is it still Bamir Topi?
Gina: Oh, Ames, let me check. Mmm, it just says no one likes you.

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: Oh, Boyle, I love that you're trying to up your sex game, but strength is not your issue. Stop humming. And it does not turn me on when you bend over and back up into me.

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: Okay, guys, as usual, the loser of each event is eliminated from the games. The winner gets a bonus in the final round. Our first event is "The mouthathon." In front of you is month-old Chinese food from the fridge. Go ahead and eat as much as you can stomach. On your mark, get set, Wahlberg!

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: The Jimmy jabs has claimed its first victims. Boyle, you made no impact. Also, Detective Scully has withdrawn due to food poisoning, which I think we all saw coming.

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: On your marks, get set, Ruffalo!

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: Jake will go first, then Amy, then Rosa. On your mark, get set, Paul Gosselaar!

Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games

Gina: On your mark, get Seth- Rogen! Contestants must make it past the barricade hurdles then use a bean bag gun to get a snack. You will eat the snack in its entirety. Next, head down to the first floor where you will locate a pamphlet about bullying. Then print out a picture of me using a laptop from 1982 whoever grabs their printout first is the winner!

Quote from the episode Chocolate Milk

Gina: Hold it up. You're gonna let some quack doctor just knife around down there? You are blessed with a great power, and you should never snip its wings. You should let it soar.

Quote from the episode Chocolate Milk

Gina: Ugh. I didn't strike you when you said knocking boots, but Bone Bros. I can not abide.

Quote from the episode Chocolate Milk

Gina: Jake, I am so scared that man is about to make a huge mistake, RE: his vas deferens.

Quote from the episode Undercover

Gina: Hey, Charles, you pretty excited about Jake being back?
Charles: Yeah, it's like when I was a kid and my grandma came home from the hospital, only better because Jake's not unresponsive.
Gina: Every time you talk I hear that sound that plays when Pacman dies.

Quote from the episode Undercover

Gina: Nobody can ever know that we had sex, all right. I have spent years cultivating a reputation as somebody who sleeps with bike messengers or better.

Quote from the episode Undercover

Amy: Oh my god, what is on your sweater?
Gina: As everyone knows, my spirit animal is nature's greatest predator, the wolf. But I committed a horrible sexual blunder and I'm no longer wolf-worthy. My spirit animal is now this, the naked mole-rat, God's disgusting mistake.
Amy: Yeah, it's pretty ugly.
Gina: Hey, only I get to talk about my spirit animal that way. You don't get to say that.

Quote from the episode Charges and Specs

Gina: Forget your ex with meaningless sex. It rhymes because it's true.

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