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Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Honeymoon

Captain Holt: No, I mean, quitting permanently, I'm putting in my resignation as soon as I get back home. I better hurry if I want to be at the airport six hours ahead of my flight.

Quote from Jake in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: Jake, why is he here?
Jake: Because he's quitting the force, so I brought him to convince him not to, but obviously that is not important anymore. All right, Captain, it's been a good run. Thank you for teaching me the importance of a tie in the workplace, and the door is right over here.

Quote from Jake in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: What? You're quitting?
Captain Holt: Yes, I am.
Amy: No, you're not. We're keeping you right here.
Captain Holt: How are you going to do that? Physically restrain me?
Amy: Great idea. Is there anything in Charles's box of nightmares that could be used to tie up Holt?
Jake: Yes. Literally everything in here could be used to tie up a person.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Honeymoon

Rosa: Sarge, I keep getting calls about my drug case from- What the hell is going on?
Sergeant Jeffords: Nothing. Just deciding what to do about your sanitation issue, like a boss.
Rosa: You're looking for Captain Holt's manual aren't you?
Sergeant Jeffords: Please, Diaz. Top Dog Terry does not need to look for Captain Holt's manual. He knows it's on his computer. Top Dog Terry was looking for the password.

Quote from Gina in the episode Honeymoon

Sergeant Jeffords: Gina. Do you know Captain Holt's password?
Gina: Oh, Terry, just because I know all your passwords doesn't mean I know Captain Holt's.
Sergeant Jeffords: Okay, well, we could probably guess it.
Gina: Why don't you try BaldByChoice or PecMan or MacklemoreEnthusiast?
Sergeant Jeffords: Stop saying my passwords. Damn, Gina. Now Terry's got to update his keychain.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Honeymoon

Rosa: Start simple. Kevin with a capital K and a 1 instead of an I.
Sergeant Jeffords: Oh, I feel good about that. Locked out? Too many failed attempts? I only guessed once. Computer will now delete hard drive? I've got to fix this. [throws laptop against the wall]
Rosa: Good. You fixed it.

Quote from Charles in the episode Honeymoon

Charles: I can't figure out what went wrong between our parents. They were so in love.
Gina: Oh, okay, so we're having a conversation?
Charles: No, to get them back together, we need to know what happened. Did your mom tell you?
Gina: Nope.
Charles: Damn it. Okay, let's brainstorm. It could be that my dad is too clingy or too masculine.
Gina: You know what? I'm going to play a game on my phone while you go on this little journey.
Charles: He overshares, he's indecisive, he's always crying.
Gina: Oh, I made it inside the temple.
Charles: He wears a kimono a lot.
Gina: I became a hawk. I have talons.
Charles: Well, he can't keep a secret. He has a clinically loose pelvis.
Gina: Okay, that did break through. I heard "loose pelvis."

Quote from Charles in the episode Honeymoon

Gina: Charles, you've got to stop. It's none of those things.
Charles: Wait. You said your mom didn't tell you anything. Do you know what happened?
Gina: Yes, I do. And it's none of your business, Charles. Just stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
Charles: Really, Gina. And where does my nose belong if not inside our parents?

Quote from Jake in the episode Honeymoon

Jake: Okay, so we can get away from Holt. I mean, should we tell him to leave, that he's ruining our honeymoon?
Amy: No, we can't. That would crush him, and he's already so crushed. Wait, I got it.
Jake: We kill Holt.
Amy: No.
Jake: No, that was crazy for a multitude of reasons.

Quote from Amy in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: We have a bunch of fun activities planned. If we include him, it'll cheer him up, and he'll leave.
Jake: Right, but aren't most of our activities kind of geared towards couples?
Amy: Name one couples' activity that wouldn't be more fun with your boss there.
[cut to:]
Chef Kinkle: Welcome to Sensual Food Tasting: The Art of Feeding Your Lover.
Captain Holt: I feel like I don't belong here.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: Mm, I love how the mud revitalizes your skin.
Captain Holt: And I love how it masks my shame.
Jake: I am loving this.

Quote from Jake in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: Mmm.
Jake: Mmm.
Captain Holt: Mmm. This is actually quite pleasant. You know, when you invited me to join you today, I was skeptical. I had been sitting by the pool contentedly watching a bee struggle to avoid drowning and thinking to myself how I am like that bee.
Jake: Man, I hope it survived. We can't afford to lose any more bees.
Captain Holt: It didn't.

Quote from Jake in the episode Honeymoon

Captain Holt: The point is that I am glad you invited me into your frivolous activities. You helped me to remember there's more to life than the NYPD.
Amy: Wow, that's great to hear, sir.
Captain Holt: I feel a lot better. I think I may be heading home. Unless you need a third for tonight's activities.
Jake: What are we-
Amy: Sensual pottery.
Jake: I think we're good.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Honeymoon

Captain Holt: Since the rejection, a great sadness has enveloped me. I kept expecting this dark feeling to pass, but it's only gotten worse.

Quote from Amy in the episode Honeymoon

Amy: Not getting the job you want stinks. In first grade, I was passed over for line leader, and I'm still pissed. Kyle D.'s lines had curves and gaps and cutting galore. It was a frickin' carnival.

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