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Quote from Jake in the episode Greg and Larry

Jake: All right, fine. Take Bob with you into the panic room. Rosa and I'll find another way out.
Captain Holt: I'm sure you will, son.
Jake: [gasps] You called me "son." No take-backs.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Greg and Larry

Captain Holt: I'd like to propose a toast. Even when Bob held that gun to my head, I was not afraid, because I knew you were on the case. I respect the hell out of each and every one of you. Nine-Nine.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Greg and Larry

Rosa: We can go to my apartment. No one knows where I live.
Sergeant Jeffords: I thought you had Amy over there once.
Rosa: Yeah, it was fun. I moved the next day.

Quote from other character in the episode Greg and Larry

Bob Annderson: I should've known Agent Whelan was dirty. There were signs. He wore a V-neck once.
Captain Holt: Bob. You did nothing?
Bob Annderson: It's my greatest regret.

Quote from Amy in the episode Greg and Larry

Amy: So while I'm happy the Supreme Court threw out my conviction, I'm also really sad to be leaving all of you. Bethany, I know you're an arsonist, but now it's time to set the culinary world on fire. Sheila, you have the voice of an angel. Whoever your next music producer is, maybe don't stab him. Jen, you're a Nazi. We never really clicked. Stay innocent, ladies.

Quote from Scully in the episode Greg and Larry

Jake: Smart. This is a good hiding space. Scully, why are you lying down?
Scully: 'Cause there was a bed here.
Jake: You took your shoes off!

Quote from Charles in the episode Greg and Larry

Amy: Jake called. We need to get back to New York right now.
Charles: No, no, no, no, no. You can't just leave. We may need some of those contacts in the future. You're gonna go say good-bye, and you're gonna mean it.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Greg and Larry

Sergeant Jeffords: Why do you need a vase full of lemons?
Rosa: The room needed a pop of color.
Sergeant Jeffords: Who are you?

Quote from Scully in the episode Greg and Larry

Rosa: Scully, these look like the weird texts you always send.
Scully: Touch screen phones don't respond correctly to my fingers. It's because I've been electrocuted so many times.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Greg and Larry

Bob Annderson: I know Figgis, and you're in far more danger than I. He's coming for you. And I guarantee his soldiers find this place.
Rosa: Not gonna happen. I rent it out under a shell corporation.
Jake: Yeah.
Rosa: My mail goes to a P.O. box in Queens.
Jake: Yeah.
Rosa: My neighbors think my name is Emily Goldfinch.
Jake: Oh, yeah.
Rosa: People I work with all think my name is Rosa Diaz.
Jake: Yeah -wait, what?
Rosa: Don't worry about it.
Jake: Okay.

Quote from Jake in the episode Greg and Larry

Jake: All right, here we go. Captain's about to lay into him.
Captain Holt: You need to tell me where the file is.
Bob Annderson: I'm sorry, Ray. I'd rather not.
Jake: Okay, not the dynamic start I wanted, but I'm sure he's just getting warmed up.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Greg and Larry

Bob Annderson: Would you mind getting us some food? I can't fathom eating these candies that Peralta bought us. Chocolate is the devil's carob.
Captain Holt: And carob is Satan's raisin.

Quote from Jake in the episode Greg and Larry

Jake: Come on, come on, Captain, pick up. Your friend Bob is secretly working for Jimmy "the Butcher" Figgis. This is a call you're gonna want to take.
Rosa: Bob must've done something to him.
Jake: Or maybe they're talking about something super boring, like potatoes or beans.

Quote from Gina in the episode Greg and Larry

Gina: All right, mister, here are five stories about my cousin Lee-Ann and her alleged Lyme disease.
Bob Annderson: How's that gonna make me talk?
Gina: Not everything's about you, Bob. I just needed to vent. God, you're such a Lee-Ann.

Quote from Jake in the episode Greg and Larry

Rosa: No chocolate smudges in this entire parking garage.
Jake: Or on floors one through five. We're officially lost the trail.
Hitchcock: Unless- No, that's not chocolate. What is that?
Jake: What? Don't eat it again!

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