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Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Rosa: Hawkins knows we're working the case.
Jake: I highly doubt it. What makes you say that?
Rosa: She just called and said, "Get over here. I know you're working the case."
Jake: Hmm, so it appears you were onto something. Very good. Touche. Well, off to death.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Rosa: This place is awesome. I've always wanted to work in a covert facility.
Jake: I know. We're in a black site, Rosa. I bet they have some awesome name for it.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse.
Jake: Told ya.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: So why don't you both come back tomorrow and we can start working this together? And, who knows, if you find the guy, I got an open spot on my squad. Maybe one of you could fill it.
Jake: Or maybe one of us could fill it.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Excuse me?
Jake: What you said better. Rosa, leave now?

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: So based on these phone records, we think Ocampo is definitely still in Brooklyn. Unrelated question: Is it true you still have a bullet lodged in your hip from your shootout with the Canarsie Killer?
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: No.
Jake: Darn.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: It's in my jaw.
Jake: Yes.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: I also ride motorcycles.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Oh, yeah? What do you ride?
Jake: Oh, it's in the shop right now. Yeah, the torque felt low, so I was like, "Bro, we gots to up the torque." We all know how it is. Anyways, I could talk about my steel horse all darn day. We got work to do.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: Tell me where he is. I'm gonna count to three. There will not be a four.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: "There will not be a four." Die Hard. Nice.
Jake: You like "Die Hard"?
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Best movie ever.
Jake: Best franchise ever. I even have the Justin Long one on Blu-ray.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: I saw the fifth one in the theaters.
Jake: So did I! Wait, there was only one other person there. Was that you?
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Atlantic Avenue?
Jake: No, but that would've been a cool coincidence.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Rosa: I also like "Die Hard."
Jake: Really, Rosa? What's your favorite part?
Rosa: The shootouts.
Jake: Interesting. Vague and interesting. But it's funny 'cause I always thought your favorite movies were made by Nancy Meyers.
Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Seriously?
Rosa: What? No. I hate that crap.
Jake: Really? So you hate the one starring Diane Keaton and John Wick? What was it called again?
Rosa: I don't know.
Jake: "Something Has to Give"?
Rosa: "Something's Gotta Give."
Jake: I got ya.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: Too much torque! Too much torque!

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: Oh, okay, I see what's happening. This is a competition. We're officially competing.
Rosa: Oh, yeah, we're competing.
Jake: Fine, then it's on, and I'm gonna crush you. Also, I need a ride. Can I please sit on the back of your motorcycle?
Rosa: No.
Jake: Well played. Looks like I'm gonna find out if a motorcycle fits on the subway.

Quote from Scully in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Charles: All right, I need you guys to assemble this jigsaw puzzle for a case I'm working on.
Hitchcock: Why do we have to do it together?
Scully: Yeah.
Sergeant Jeffords: Uh ... 'cause?
Scully: Can't argue with that.

Quote from Charles in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Sergeant Jeffords: Cooperation instead of punishment. Damn, Boyle, that is some advanced level parenting right there.
Charles: I learned from the best-
Sergeant Jeffords: Thank you.
Charles: Lorelai from "Gilmore Girls."
Sergeant Jeffords: Okay.
Charles: I guess being a daddy just comes naturally to me.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: What's wrong, Rosa? Out of gas? Yeah, it got all in my mouth. It was horrible. But still not as bad as water.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Rosa: Son of a bitch. Where'd you find a steering wheel?
Jake: I didn't. I had a Frisbee in the trunk, and I taped it on. That's right. I MacGyvered the donk out of this thing, and it worked flawlessly. Actually, I hit a ton of stuff on the way over here. It was awful.
Rosa: Of course you did.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Slaughterhouse

Jake: You're under arrest. Also, I'm gonna have to pee while I hold you at gunpoint. I've been drinking so much water.

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