Quote from the episode Suicide Squad
Madeline Wuntch: What the hell, Raymond? You were following me?
Captain Holt: I don't know what you're talking about. I've been here the whole time.
Madeline Wuntch: My mistake. These two goons were carrying a dirty old mop that looked exactly like you.
Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games
Captain Holt: We're here are about a new and very potent for ecstasy that has surfaced in our precinct; street name, giggle pig.
Madeline Wuntch: Hmm, an embarrassing blight growing right under your nose. Not unlike that moustache you had when we first met.
Captain Holt: That moustache was era-appropriate.
Quote from the episode New Captain
Madeline Wuntch: I like what you've done with your office, Raymond. It's cozy. Like a shoebox one buries a dead hamster in.
Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games
Madeline Wuntch: You got your task force. I'm surprised.
Captain Holt: That's funny, after 20 years, I'd think you'd be used to me slam-dunking in your face.
Madeline Wuntch: I'm surprised you didn't see what was going on in there. I got you riled up, you oversold giggle pig, and now you're running an expensive task force in a time of budget cuts. You better make some big arrests and quick, or you'll be the poster boy for departmental waste. Slam dunk returned.
Captain Holt: Not if we make those arrests. Three-point dunk.
Sergeant Jeffords: You guys really don't know enough about basketball to be doing this.
Quote from the episode New Captain
Captain Holt: Wuntch.
Madeline Wuntch: Hello, Raymond. You're looking old and sickly.
Quote from the episode Suicide Squad
Captain Holt: How do we get close enough without attracting attention?
Madeline Wuntch: Could dance. You must know some moves. You were mentioned by name in the "Monster Mash."
Quote from the episode Chocolate Milk
Madeline Wuntch: Wait a minute. You thought I cost you that promotion because you're gay? That's what you've been mad about all these years?
Captain Holt: It's one reason.
Madeline Wuntch: I don't care that you rejected my advances. Your sexual identity is the one thing I actually respect about you.
Captain Holt: Then what are you mad about?
Madeline Wuntch: I'm mad because you tried to get me thrown off the force.
Captain Holt: Yeah, because you shot me.
Madeline Wuntch: I shot you because you were in the wrong position. You weren't following orders.
Captain Holt: What about the time you destroyed my personnel file while I was undercover?
Madeline Wuntch: What if there had been a mole?
Captain Holt: You were trying to make me disappear.
Madeline Wuntch: You embarrassed me in front of Derek Jeter!
Captain Holt: You embarrassed yourself in front of Derek Jeter.
Quote from the episode The Mole
Madeline Wuntch: Oh, Raymond. An Internal Affairs investigation? A drug task force that hasn't found any drugs? This precinct's a disaster. Maybe that's why the birds stopped singing. Out of respect for the death of your career. Good-bye, Raymond.
Quote from the episode Ding Dong
Madeline Wuntch: [on video] Hello, Raymond. Surprised to see me?
Captain Holt: Well, I didn't say Bloody Mary three times, so yes.
Amy: When did she record this?
Rosa: Judging by the flames around her, it could be a livestream.
Captain Holt: [laughs] Very good, Rosa. [laughs]
Madeline Wuntch: I'm sure you consider my untimely death a victory, but I'd never let you win. I told everyone that in my final days, we reconciled and you insisted on hosting and organizing my NYPD memorial service. I know you won't be able to resist badmouthing me at the service. All the top brass will be there, and when you speak ill of me, it will end your career. It's over. I won. Bye, Raymond.
Quote from the episode The Oolong Slayer
The Vulture: You were working a case. I freaking knew it. You're a liar.
Madeline Wuntch: And you. You can't do anything except disobey orders and screw up.
Bob: I'm disappointed, too.
Madeline Wuntch: No one cares, Bob.
Quote from the episode Johnny and Dora
Captain Holt: Madeline, thank you for coming.
Madeline Wuntch: Raymond, always a pleasure to call on a vanquished foe. I feel like Jackie Joyner-Kersee congratulating one of the other, slower runners.
Quote from the episode Suicide Squad
Jake: And this is rock bottom.
[On the other side of the two-way mirror:]
Madeline Wuntch: Oh, Raymond. This is sad. He's the one you think of like a son, right? Or are you closer to Santiago? Not that it matters. They're both equally going to prison.
Quote from the episode Suicide Squad
John Kelly: Oh, come on, Madeline. There's no need to gloat. Though, it does feel good. Gloaty, gloat, gloat.
Captain Holt: I knew I never should have trusted you.
Madeline Wuntch: Yes, obviously not, you dum-dum. John, you're gonna wanna remember this. Why don't you snap a photo of him?
John Kelly: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Madeline Wuntch: Why don't you get in there with him?
John Kelly: Oh, why the heck not? My kids just got me a digital picture frame.
Madeline Wuntch: All right, everybody say, "Nine-Nine."
John Kelly: Nine-Nine.
Madeline Wuntch: Mm. Raymond, I love the scowl, but could you slump your shoulders a bit more? Remember you're a man who just lost everything.
Quote from the episode Chocolate Milk
Madeline Wuntch: Well, good-bye, Raymond. Anything you'd like to say to me before I complete my evaluation? Something in the form of groveling?
Quote from the episode The Jimmy Jab Games
Sergeant Jeffords: Sir, what are you so nervous about? There's a new drug in the precinct, and we need updated narcotics field kits. All we're asking for is $1,200. How could she say no to that?
Captain Holt: Sergeant, as long as I'm asking for it, Madeline Wuntch can say no to anything.
Captain Holt: [sneezes] Ugh, may I?
Madeline Wuntch: Those are my tissues, Raymond. If you were planning on sneezing, you should have brought your own.
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