Title of Your Sex Tape

Title of Your Sex Tape

"Title of Your Sex Tape" is a recurring joke from Jake, often used to poke fun at Amy's sex-life. Charles and Amy have also joined in on the act.

"Oh, that's just something we say back at the Nine-Nine." - Charles Boyle

Quote from Jake in the episode Halloween

Charles: Santiago, I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.
Amy: Can you magically make everyone kind, sober, and fully dressed?
Jake: "Kind, sober and fully dressed." Good news, everyone. We found the name of Santiago's sex tape!

Quote from Jake in the episode Windbreaker City

Jake: "Uh-oh, hope it doesn't get too sexual." Title of your sex tape. But seriously, what is taking so long. Also the title of your sex tape.

Quote from Charles in the episode Jake & Amy

Charles: This is happening. Jake and Amy are getting married tonight. Title of my sex tape!
Jake: What?

Quote from Jake in the episode Halloween

Charles: What is all this?
Amy: You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I'm sorry about tonight.
Jake: "I'm sorry about tonight." We found the title for Santiago's follow-up sex tape!

Quote from Jake in the episode Ding Dong

Jake: My friends, I have a proclamation to bestow upon ye.
Sergeant Jeffords: Why are you talking like that?
Charles: And why'd you have us come in here? Is this about the tickets?
Jake: It is indeed about said tickets, and said proclamation about said tickets is in fact...
Sergeant Jeffords: Jake, just tell us. No one is liking this.
Charles: I'm loving it. You sound so smart.
Jake: Oh, thank you, my loyal subject Charles. Now, as you know, this decision has been quite hard upon me... title of mine sex tape... but I have made it at long last, and it is my decree that the recipient shall be... Both of you.
Charles: What? Did you talk to Mikey J. and get more tickets?
Jake: Indeed I did not, but it is my decision that I will cut all of said tickets in twain.

Quote from Jake in the episode Captain Kim

Captain Julie Kim: [o.s.] Hello?
Captain Holt: She's coming. Hide.
Jake: Title of your sex tape? In here.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Mole

Jake: Can you please give me a ride?
Amy: Fine. I'll get my stuff, but this better not bite me in the ass.
Jake: "Better not bite me in the ass" is the name of your sex tape. But seriously, thank you so much for your help.

Quote from Jake in the episode Safe House

Seamus Murphy: So, Peralta, what do you have to say for yourself?
Jake: The whole NYPD knows where you are, and they're coming for you right now.
Seamus Murphy: Okay, thanks for the tip. Let's kill them both, get out of here before the cops come.
Jake: Wait, no, no, no, I was lying about the back-up. I came alone - title of my sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode New Captain

Jake: So, we broke a rule.
Amy: Yeah. Hope it wasn't a mistake.
Jake: "Hope it wasn't a mistake." Title of your sex tape. Oh! Title of our sex tape!

Quote from Jake in the episode Bachelor/ette Party

Jake: Come on, Terry. Let's just see what the plan is. Charles, what are we doing?
Charles: I don't know anything about it. But why don't we take this map and this sextant and chart a course to the restaurant?
Captain Holt: Title of your sex-tant tape.
Jake: Ah, did not work at all, but I love that you attempted it. Title of your sex-tant tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode Undercover

Jake: Hey, so listen, the thing I said to you before I went undercover, about how I wished something had happened between us romantically, that wasn't nothing. That was real.
Amy: What are you saying?
Jake: I know that you're with Teddy. I'm not trying to change that. And I get there's stuff I can't control. But this morning I told you that I didn't mean any of it, and that was a lie. I just don't want to hold anything back.
Amy: Well, thank you for saying that. Just as long as we're clear I'm with someone and nothing is going to happen.
Jake: "I'm with someone and nothing is going to happen." Name of your sex tape!
Amy: He's back.

Quote from Jake in the episode Charges and Specs

Amy: I'm horrible at this. When can we stop?
Jake: I'm horrible at this-
Amy: I know, I know. Title of my sex tape.
Jake: Huh. Well done. Title of my sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode Gray Star Mutual

Charles: I can't. I'm in so much debt. I took out a loan for the truck. I got Amy to invest. No, the only way out of this hole is to keep digging.
Jake: That's not how holes work. Title of your sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Big House Pt.1

Sergeant Jeffords: Look, we all miss Jake and Rosa, which is why we have to keep working the case. There has to be some way to exonerate them.
Amy: I've been looking, but I can't find anything, and I don't know what to do.
Jake: "I can't find anything and I don't know what to do": title of your sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins: Oh, and one more thing. They're guilty.
Jake: No, we are not.
Judge Marinovich: Please don't address the jury, Mr. Peralta.
Jake: But, but, but-
Judge Marinovich: One more "but," and you will be in contempt.
Jake: [quietly] "One more 'but' and you're in contempt," name of your sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode Dillman

Dillman: So now I'd like to move on to a real suspect. I wanna see detective Diaz in the box.
Charles: [gasps]
Jake: What... don't gasp for him. What are you doing?
Charles: I'm sorry. It just slipped out.
Rosa: Title of your sex tape.
Jake: Yeah, it's... obviously it's the title of his sex tape. Everyone's taking my stuff.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Therapist

Charles: So you think he killed her and dumped her body in the park?
Jake: Sounds like couples counseling is going really great for them.
Charles: Sorry, my partner doesn't believe in therapy.
Dr. Frederick Tate: Oh, that's fine. It's hard for some people.
Jake: Title of your sex tape.

Quote from Charles in the episode Sicko

Dr. Oliver Cox: Okay, so whoever did this, they weren't careful with the organs. They just sorta grabbed whatever and yanked.
Charles: Title of your sex tape. Oh, that's just something we say back at the Nine-Nine.
Dr. Oliver Cox: Interesting, 'cause around here sex tape is what we call the adhesive you use to reattach a severed penis.
Charles: Oh, I'll have to pick some of that up.
Jake: Why?

Quote from Jake in the episode Sicko

Captain Holt: Show me the tip.
Jake: [whispers] Title of your sex tape.

Quote from Jake in the episode Halloween IV

Rosa: Wait, what is going on? We have the plaque.
Amy: Yeah, I just got it out of the vent to rub it in your faces.
Jake: "I Just Got It Out of the Vent to Rub It in Your Faces" Name of your sex tape. What?

Quote from Roger Peralta in the episode Admiral Peralta

Jake: Oh, my God. Okay, so yes, fine, there's a bit of a trend. But we're not cursed. You and I are good. I bet you could even fix things up with your dad.
Roger Peralta: The Admiral? I always hoped that I could reconcile things with him one day, but he's not going to let that happen. What can I tell you? We're not meant to have sons. There's a demon in our genes.
Jake: Title of your sex tape.
Roger Peralta: No, the title of my sex tape is "Cockpit Larry and the Mile High Stewardae."
Jake: What?
Roger Peralta: "Stewardae." It's plural for stewardess.

Quote from Jake in the episode Bad Beat

Captain Holt: And, Jake, before we go, I need to admit one more thing.
Jake: Of course, anything.
Captain Holt: When I made you tell that table that you were living in your mother's basement, it wasn't for the case. I was just messing with you.
Jake: Oh, well played, sir. But the joke's on you. My mother has a fantastic basement. Title of your sex tape. Too soon? All right, let's go.

Quote from Jake in the episode Det. Dave Majors

Amy: Why doesn't your mouth work?
Jake: "Why doesn't your mouth work" - title of our sex tape.
Amy: What?
Jake: Your sex tape. What? No!

Quote from Jake in the episode Ticking Clocks

Scully: Look at this bread. It's completely inedible. There's not even any soft parts in the middle we can pull out.
Jake: Title of your sex tape?

Quote from Jake in the episode Casecation

Amy: Hey, what's up? I came as fast as I could.
Jake: Title of your sex tape. Nailed it.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Honeypot

Jake: Ah, good morning, Captain Holt. You're looking refreshed.
Captain Holt: Interesting. I didn't sleep a wink. Let's just say Kevin no longer has me in the guest room.
Jake: Nice. My two dads, straight smashin' it. Sorry, that came out weird. Title of your sex tape.

Quote from Amy in the episode HalloVeen

Amy: I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now.
Jake: "I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now," title of your sex tape.
Amy: Oh, my God, I'm shaking. I'm definitely gonna cry. Title of your sex tape.

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