The Last Day (Part 1)
After Jake decides to leave the Nine-Nine, he plans one final Heist to give everyone the perfect goodbye. |
Quote from Captain Holt
Captain Holt: Wuntch's grave.
Rosa: Wow. Did Terry put up a balloon arch just for the heist?
Captain Holt: No, that was me. I come every week to install a fresh one. But enough chit-chat. Let's dig her up.
Amy: I don't think we wanna do that.
Captain Holt: Why, are you scared of what she'd look like? She's just a corpse with worms for eyes, no different than when she was alive.
Quote from Jake
Jake: So the heist is actually going to be the perfect goodbye.
Amy: What does that mean?
Jake: Drama, glamor, shocking twists and turns. And the whole heist ends up with everyone at the Brooklyn Bridge.
Amy: Is that meaningful? Have we ever been there together as a squad?
Jake: Uh, yeah.
[theme music plays over clip from opening credits]
Jake: I'm not sure why we all looked so intense, we were just getting falafel.
Amy: I mean, that falafel stand is really good.
Jake: True that, yeah.
Quote from Adrian Pimento
Amy: The hell? I'm stuck.
Rosa: Yeah, I rigged it. That's what you get for being a nerd who wears seatbelts. Cool people die gruesome, preventable deaths. Oh, here's my ride.
Adrian Pimento: Pimento's here.
Amy: Hi, Pimento.
Adrian Pimento: Amy, it has been too long. When are you gonna let me meet my godson?
Amy: He's not your godson?
Adrian Pimento: Okay, but when you die, I am going to raise him.
Quote from Jake
Scully: Found it. Here.
Charles: "Don't tell me where the next clue is hidden, tell me why."
Amy: "Tell me why." From that time Jake made the perp sing that song.
Jake: Wait a minute, you guys know about that? Were any of you actually there?
Rosa: You've told us the story many times.
Captain Holt: And tried to recreate the moment on several occasions.
All: ♪ Working at the car wash ♪
Jake: No, number two and five, you're off key. Number three, you're coming in way too early. I mean, what are we even doing here, guys? [to the witness] So which one do you think killed your family?
Jake: Yeah, I got to stop trying to recapture the magic of the original and move on. Anyways, back to the eighth annual heist.
Quote from Adrian Pimento
Rosa: All right, let's go.
Adrian Pimento: Yeah. I gotta drop you off and then I have a plane to catch.
Rosa: What, where are you going?
Adrian Pimento: Ugh. I took this job protecting a diamond mine in Northern Canada that's being terrorized by a pack of wolves? Apparently it's "illegal to shoot them" so I have to tear them apart limb from limb.
Rosa: How long you going for?
Adrian Pimento: As long as it takes me to find the alpha, kill it, take control of the pack, and then completely decimate the diamond mine. [laughs] Total double cross. All right, let's ride!
Both: Bye, Amy. [drive off]
Amy: No, wait. Rosa, no, no, you can't leave me here! This wasn't part of the plan! Or was this exactly the plan?
Quote from Captain Holt
Rosa: Well, looks like it's gonna be a sprint out of the elevator.
Captain Holt: This is unfortunate. I didn't want to have to reveal it this early.
Jake: Reveal what this early?
Captain Holt: My most precious secret. My tattoo!
[As the elevator doors open, Captain Holt steps out, bends down and lowers his trousers]
Jake: [gasps] What am I looking at?
Amy: Is that what I think it is?
Jake: Kevin's human head on Cheddar's dog body?
Captain Holt: I asked for a tattoo of Kevin and Cheddar. I don't know why he combined them.
Jake: It's... it's...
Captain Holt: It's the ultimate distraction. [elevator doors start to close]
Jake: No, wait, wait!
Quote from Jake
Jake: Anyways, once everyone arrives there's gonna be a huge fireworks display.
Amy: Uh-uh, no. Remember when you almost blew off your thumb with that M-80? No fireworks.
Jake: Okay, fine! But luckily I have a surprise guest lined up. I reached out to Bruce Willis's people and they said that he would, quote, "Not engage with something like that." So, I think it's gonna work out.
Quote from Jake
Sergeant Jeffords: [on alarm app] Terry loves waking up. Terry loves waking up. Terry...
Sergeant Jeffords: Good morning, honey, time to... [screams] What the hell are you doing?
Jake: It's Holt and Amy's last day, so we're having a final heist! It's heist day!
Sergeant Jeffords: Couldn't you have just sent an email?
Jake: Nope, this was the only way. I have to go alert the others. See you soon!
[later, as Rosa opens her refrigerator:]
Jake: It's heist day, Rosa! [Rosa screams] Whoops, sorry about your milk. Gotta go!
[later, as Charles goes to wake Nikolaj up:]
Charles: Niko, it's time for school.
Jake: It's heist day, Charles!
Charles: Where's Nikolaj?
Jake: He's crying in the closet! Gotta go!
[later, as Amy walks into their bathroom:]
Amy: Babe, what are you doing?
Jake: I was hiding so I could surprise you. But if you're here, then who's in our shower?
Captain Holt: It's me, Captain Holt. It's heist day, Jake.
All: Oh!
Quote from Sergeant Jeffords
Sergeant Jeffords: You made me meet with a fake person just so you could trick me into sitting out the heist? That interview was important! It's my shot to become captain! I bought fancy new suspenders for this, with gold thread! I can't return them because I've already stretched them out with my pecs. They've been pec-stretched!
Quote from Jake
Jake: So, here's the plan. I latch on to the bottom of the truck and unbolt the emergency exit hatch while it's still moving.
Charles: Oh, but that's impossible. Unless you finally did it?
Jake: I did.
Jake: I bought us magnet suits! Check it out. [metallic thud]
Charles: No!
Jake: Ha-ha!
Charles: So sweet.
Jake: I got it off Ukrainian Etsy. They sell arts and crafts and tactical gear. It's a weird site.
Quote from Rosa
Amy: Okay, so this truck is a fortress on wheels and we are not getting in there without an intricate plan.
Rosa: I was just gonna jump on it as it drives by.
Amy: Yeah, okay.
Rosa: Dope.
Amy: Here she comes.
Rosa: Copy. [jumps on van]
Amy: That was crazy! Now how are you gonna get in? [Rosa pulls out an axe] Right, every woman should own an axe. [brakes screech] What the hell just happened?
Quote from Scully
Captain Holt: We have to go fix this. Your career is more important than a game. Scully, you're in charge of the heist until I get back. Keep an eye on that tube.
Scully: Yes! Hitchcock, this is our chance to show everyone what we're made of... [picks up tablet] Oh, it's you. Donkey Scully, go find Hitchcock.
Quote from Jake
Caleb: For the record, I'm not a cannibal anymore. My new passion is needlepoint embroidery. Look at these. Two parrots in love. A turtle with a monocle and a top hat.
Jake: Wow, it's so intricate. How do you... [leans forward]
Caleb: Ahh!
Jake: Oh, no, no!
Caleb: Okay, you got me. I was gonna eat you. That's still my thing. It's even affected my needlepoint. Look at this. Liver. A heart. Butt. An arm. Mmm. Oh, and there's this one that your delicious-looking lieutenant asked me to do.
Jake: The third clue. "Where the devil lies, you'll find your prize."
Captain Holt: Well... [chuckles] I know where the devil lies.
Quote from Gina
Gina: Well, well, well. You thought you could have a final heist without me?
Jake: I texted you about it like 50 times.
Gina: Yeah, but, Jake, I'm important now. So if you want to reach me, you should call into Watch What Happens Live. Andy Cohen always knows where I am, okay? Anyhoo, I'm gonna keep this safe by driving it around in this hot little mama.
Jake: You rented an armored truck?
Gina: No, I bought it. It felt like it was great for the heist and it's also just such a wonderful way to flex on you guys how rich I am now. I'm all about Salmons. [off Jake's look] Salmon. You don't know about the $10,000 bill that has a picture of Salmon P. Chase on it? He's like... It's sad you were unaware of that. Oh, my gosh, this is embarrassing for all you broke bums. [locks door] Okay. You're gonna regret the day you fired me.
Captain Holt: You left of your own volition! We each spent meaningful time with you! [van drives off] We were incredibly supportive!
Quote from Sergeant Jeffords
Captain Holt: Slow down. Edward Williams is not a fake.
Sergeant Jeffords: Then why was he in a fake office?
Captain Holt: Oh, Terry, he just relocated to make room for the new reform unit on the sixth floor. It's a temporary space.
Sergeant Jeffords: Ooh.
Captain Holt: Lieutenant. What did you do?
Sergeant Jeffords: I may've gotten a little... heisty.
Sergeant Jeffords: I'm supposed to believe this is your family and not the picture that came with the frame? [glass shatters] Oh, and this is a real award? Kapow!
Quote from Gina
Gina: Stupid Rosa. Thinks she can jump on my truck like Salt from the movie Salt.
Quote from Scully
Captain Holt: Let's be honest, we're not young men.
Scully: Speak for yourself. My doctor said I'm in my twilight years.
Captain Holt: That means you're close to death.
Scully: But it has such a pretty name.
Quote from Gina
Captain Holt: Sorry, but you're too late. The tube is mine. Wait, it's empty. Where'd it go?
Gina: You looking for this? Surprise reveal.
All: Gina?
Gina: [evil laughter]
Quote from Captain Holt
Captain Holt: We're not gonna force our way into an armored vehicle. We'll need to use our brains. In the end, Gina will just hand me the keys to that truck.
[later, Holt knocks on the window of Gina's armored van:]
Gina: You.
Captain Holt: [on phone] Unusual activity on your socials?
Gina: You hacked me.
Captain Holt: I gave control of your entire social media portfolio to Hitchcock and Scully.
Gina: And you told them to embarrass me?
Captain Holt: Worse, I told them to just be themselves.
Gina: My God, I've agreed to host an Instagram Live for Outback Steakhouse.
Captain Holt: They're inside the precinct, if you want to go stop them.
Gina: You're a monster.
Quote from Jake
Charles: "A loving and inspiring kiss." That's gotta be Jake and Amy. And we know it's not the last couple years because they've basically stopped kissing in front of us.
Jake: All right. Wait a minute! A Perfect World is a movie with Kevin Costner, or should I say Kevin Cozner. It's a kiss between Holt and Kevin.
Rosa: The one that brought them back together. Out front in the rain!
Jake: Ooh!
Quote from Jake
Amy: Yeah, we gotta call Terry.
Charles: Already on it. It's going straight to voicemail.
Jake: No problem, I actually installed malware on his phone in case he started heisting. I have access to his microphone and speaker.
Deputy Chief Williams: So, Lieutenant Jeffords, can you handle the increased responsibility of being a captain?
Sergeant Jeffords: I'm glad you asked. I'm very responsible.
Jake: [on phone] Terry! Terry! Terry, it's Jake and the squad calling from your butt. Terry, Terry, Terry!
Deputy Chief Williams: I'm sorry, what's happening?
Sergeant Jeffords: I didn't hear anything.
Jake: Terry, answer your butt. Answer your butt. Answer your butt. Don't ignore your butt, Terry! Terry, come on, it'll just take a second. We just need the final clue.
Sergeant Jeffords: [quietly] A perfect world, a time of bliss, a loving and inspiring kiss.
Jake: We can't hear you. Please speak directly into your butt.
Sergeant Jeffords: A perfect world, a time of bliss, a loving and inspiring kiss.
Jake: Wonderful! Thank you, Terry, that is all.
Quote from Rosa
Rosa: I lost the tube. Can't even stand on top of a fast-moving truck that suddenly slams on its brakes. What's wrong with you, Rosa?
Quote from Amy
Amy: It's okay. Here, check this out. I've been spying on Holt for over a month. He brought a drone which he's using to take the tube to the Bark Hyatt Doggy Daycare where it will be retrieved by none other than Cheddar the dog, who will take it to a secret hiding place. We could grab it, but the Bark Hyatt play area has live feed webcams.
Rosa: Holt will see if someone goes for the tube.
Amy: Not if that someone is a dog.
Rosa: I'm not dressing up like a dog.
Bill: I'll do it. [Amy screams]
Rosa: Oh, my God!
Bill: I was eavesdropping and when the dog thing came up, I said, "Bill, this is your moment."
Amy: That's okay, Bill. I already have someone on in the inside. Meet Biscuit, the dog I adopted for the heist.
Rosa: Don't you have horrible allergies?
Amy: Or was that just a long con I perpetrated to win this heist?
Rosa: I don't think so.
Amy: You're right. I am covered in hives. Anyway, Biscuit is also enrolled at the Bark Hyatt where he's been trained to steal the tube right from under Cheddar's wet little nose. Then we visit Biscuit and get the tube.
Rosa: Nice work. I almost feel bad that I have to betray you.
Amy: What? Then don't!
Quote from Jake
Charles: Wait, if Terry's out, that means...
Jake: Oh, yeah. It's you and me, buddy.
Amy: But I don't get it. Why don't you want us to be on the same team?
Jake: Because, Amy, no one can know that we're working together.
Amy: Smart. And Charles will never be suspicious because he'll be so excited to be your teammate.
Jake: Yeah, that sweet little dumbass.
Quote from Captain Holt
Jake: For Captain Holt and Amy's last day, I've been granted permission to throw a final non-holiday-associated heist.
Captain Holt: But before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. These last eight years have been some of the best of my life. I will always cherish our time together. But not as much as I will cherish drowning you all in your own blood.
Jake: What?
Captain Holt: It's the final heist and I will chop off your limbs and feed them to your young. Now quit stalling and introduce it.
Jake: That's the spirit!
Quote from Jake
Jake: Now since there have never been an official two-time heist winner...
Rosa: I won three times.
[Jake, Holt and Amy all shout at once]
Jake: One, at best!
Quote from Sergeant Jeffords
Jake: Anyhoo, the point is, all past heists will be forgotten and the only real winner that matters is this year's as they shall be crowned the Grand Champion of the Nine-Nine.
Sergeant Jeffords: I wish I could join you all, but I want everyone to know I am not playing.
Amy: Here we go again.
Charles: Oh, Terry.
Sergeant Jeffords: It's true. I have my interview to be the captain of the Nine-Nine this afternoon.
Rosa: We've all seen this movie before. You pretend not to play and then at some key moment you come Kool-Aid Manning through a brick wall and win the whole thing.
Sergeant Jeffords: I can't run through walls. I am a normal human person.
Jake: You do have the Kool-Aid Man's exact physique and personality.
Quote from Amy
Jake: But he's not lying, Terry will not be heisting. I had him get a notarized letter that says he legally cannot win.
Amy: You cheated on me with another notary?
Jake: I mean, you're making it sound more intimate than it was. He just embossed something.
Amy: Just embossed? What else are you gonna tell me? Did you just put your thumbprint in his log book?
Jake: Both of them.
Amy: Oh, my God.
Jake: You know what? We'll talk about this later. Moving on.
Quote from Hitchcock
Jake: The six of us will vie for the crown.
Hitchcock: [on video call] You mean seven. You forgot about me.
Jake: You're not a part of this, Hitchcock. You're in Brazil.
Hitchcock: Or am I? Come and find out.
Charles: Stop trying to trick us into visiting you in South America.
Hitchcock: I'm kind of the biggest ball in the sack here.
Jake: Yeah, I'm pretty sure the locals wouldn't agree with that.
Quote from Jake
Jake: Okay! We're gonna start off in teams. I'm sure everyone could use the extra help since this year's heist was so spur of the moment and no one had time to plan anything too complicated.
[flashback: 12 days before the heist:]
Jake: This year's plan is insanely complicated. Check it out.
Jake: We will be selecting our partners with the help of a beloved Nine-Nine fixture, the big bag of loose teeth.
Rosa: What the hell?
Amy: Are those human?
Jake: It's evidence from a century of bar brawls. The story of New York is in this bag.
Sergeant Jeffords: The story of New York is gross.
Jake: Yeah, Terry, we live in a hell-mouth. Now, in this bag is a tooth with each of your initials on it. Who wants to root around inside and pick a partner?
Rosa: I'm not putting my hand in a bag of dirty, old teeth.
Jake: It's not dirt, it's old blood and dried phlegm. Who's in? No one? Are you really all that squeamish?
Jake: Of course they're all that squeamish. It's part of my plan. I'll volunteer to reach into the bag so I can rig the selection process using...
this magnet. Pretty dope, right? I've also added metal fillings to certain teeth to ensure we get the pairings that we want.
Quote from Scully
Jake: Holt will be playing with Norm Scully.
Rosa: His name is Norm?
Scully: My name is Norm?
Captain Holt: We don't have to break into teams this year.
Scully: You're lucky. Hitchcock's with me, so you're actually getting two partners.
Hitchcock: [on video call] Three if you include my donkey friend. Say hello to the team, Donkey Scully.
Scully: He named him after me!
Quote from Captain Holt
Jake: All right. Rosa Diaz, your partner will be the lovely Amy Santiago.
Captain Holt: Diaz, want to trade? Hitchcock, Scully, and the donkey, three for one? I'll even throw in Cheddar.
Rosa: Why? So he can spy on me?
Captain Holt: Oh, please. Cheddar's not a spy.
[Rosa opens the blinds to reveal Cheddar on the other side of the window]
Captain Holt: [over radio] Abort, she's onto us.
Jake: So Cheddar has an earpiece?
Quote from Jake
Jake: For the final heist, we will all be competing for this.
Captain Holt: Is that my medal of valor from the very first heist?
Jake: It is modeled after it, yes, but this far more meaningful.
Captain Holt: I got mine for saving the life of Maya Angelou.
Jake: Boring! This one says Grand Champion on it and it's made out of golt, a non-gold alloy that should not be handled by women who are pregnant or nursing. Yours is garbage.
Quote from Jake
Jake: And this golden vessel is from the precinct's old pneumatic tube system. It's been outfitted with a time-release lock set for midnight. Whoever has the medal at that time will be the winner. [pneumatic tube whooshing] Now, let the Last Day Heist begin.
Amy: It's an amazing plan, babe.
Jake: Thank you very much. And everyone's gonna be so shocked when they find out the big surprise: that I'm leaving the Nine-Nine.
Amy: What did you just say?
Jake: Yeah.
Quote from Jake
Amy: What do you mean you're leaving?
Jake: I mean, that's what I want to do. But only if you agree.
Amy: I don't understand.
Jake: Well, for weeks we've been trying to figure out how you can do your new job and still have us be there for Mac as much as we want. And I really think this is it.
Amy: Yeah, but we have other options.
Jake: Yeah. But I think this is the best one. Look, you know I was scared about having kids 'cause I didn't want to be like my dad. But if I do this, I have a chance to be the exact opposite. And I don't want Mac to ever feel the way I felt growing up.
Amy: And I get that, I really do. But you love being a detective.
Jake: I know. It's all I ever wanted to be. Until now. Now, all I care about is what's best for our family. And Ames, this is it. I mean, you've earned this incredible opportunity. You can't do it halfway, it's too important. And Mac's my little buddy. I want to be at home with him.
Amy: Are you sure? Because we could figure something else out. You know I would do anything for you.
Jake: I would do anything for you too.
Amy: Will you run that half-marathon?
Jake: I'm never running the half-marathon, Amy. You gotta stop asking.
Amy: You really think you'll be happy? I don't want you to give up your dream job just for me.
Jake: I have a new dream job now. Trust me, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it.
Amy: I love you.
Jake: I love you too.
Quote from Jake
Jake: It's all part of the perfect goodbye. Everyone should think they have the winning tube, but then at midnight when the time locks release, they'll realize they actually just have a sentimental gift from me. Look what I got Holt. It's the first tie I bought after he started making me wear them. And I'm getting Rosa a travel board game so she knows that we're gonna keep doing game night even though the Nine-Nine's breaking apart.
Amy: Aww.
Jake: And I'm also getting everyone AirPods.
Amy: Hmm, I'd lose those. Feels like it cheapens the sentiment. Plus, everyone already has headphones.
Jake: Okay, fine, no AirPods. So, in order for this to work, we have to get to the golden tube before Holt does and swap it out for the one with the tie inside.
Jake: Hey there, Ray-Ray.
Jake: [v.o.] Then with Rosa believing that Holt has the real one, you just need to come up with a fake heist and then find a way to slip her the dummy tube.
Amy: [on the phone] It went perfectly.
Jake: Same here, sort of. We came back to change 'cause we had to ditch our magnet suits in the armored car. It was fine for me. Charles went commando for some reason. Anyway, he's getting dressed now. We just have to figure out a way to slip him his gift and then we're all set. The perfect goodbye is so close I can taste it.
Bill: Yum, yum, yum.
Jake: Gah! Bill, you can't sneak up on people like that. I gotta go.
Quote from Scully
Captain Holt: Enough talk. I'm getting that tube. Where'd it go?
Sergeant Jeffords: That tube has been whisked off to a secret location which only I know. And since I'm not competing, I've agreed to help out. I designed the first part of the heist to be a scavenger hunt through memorable moments from the last eight years. It's a trip down memory lane.
Scully: Not a problem. I have the memory of a... the thing with the big nose and ears.
Charles: Prince Charles.
Jake: No.
Quote from Charles
Sergeant Jeffords: I hid five clues, each leading to the next. And the last one gets you the tube. The first clue is under your chairs.
Amy: "Our fallen colleague missing still..."
Captain Holt: "His replacement fits the bill..."
Jake: I can think of one colleague who literally fell. We all watched it happen and then we ate his sweet candy insides.
Charles: [shouts] The vending machine! [quietly] Is one theory, probably incorrect.
Jake: Damn it, Charles. Silent epiphany!
Quote from Rosa
Scully: It's a new machine. It's beautiful!
Captain Holt: "His replacement fits the bill."
Amy: The slots aren't labeled. How do we know what to press?
Captain Holt: Well, a vending machine code is usually a letter followed by a double-digit number. Jeffords is being sentimental.
[Rosa screams as she smashes the glass with a fire extinguisher]
Jake: Holy [bleep].
Rosa: Got it.
Captain Holt: For the record, it was gonna be B-9-9.
Rosa: Nobody cares. My thing was better.
Quote from Jake
Rosa: "When a fellow needs a friend, it's what's on the inside that counts."
Amy: "Fellow needs," like felonies.
Jake: "On the inside," like jail.
Charles: Your cannibal friend.
Jake: Charles, I highly doubt... it's definitely that! Go!
Quote from Captain Holt
Jake: Hey there, Ray-Ray.
Captain Holt: Nice outfit, Peralta. It's very attractive. I'm making a pun. I know that's a magnet suit because I sold it to you.
Jake: You're Kazimir?
Captain Holt: [Ukrainian: "Of course I'm Kazimir"] And unfortunately for you, I have a remote that can active your vest and prevent you from controlling it.
Jake: No, no, no!
Captain Holt: [Ukrainian: "Thanks a lot, dumbass."] You stick around, okay? "Stick around" was another magnet pun.
Jake: Yeah, I get it was a pun!
Quote from Jake
Charles: Jake!
Jake: Hey. What's up, you okay?
Charles: Are you quitting the Nine-Nine?
Jake: What? Why would you...
Charles: I found this letter of resignation in your locker. Were you not gonna tell me? Does our friendship mean nothing to you?
Jake: Charles, I can explain.
Charles: Don't bother.
Jake: Wait, no, wait, Charles, wait a second. Charles, come back. [sighs]
Bill: Seems like someone's in the market for a new best friend.
Jake: Bill, I swear to God.
Bill: We look exactly the same. [smiles]
Jake: Guh, okay.
Quote from Jake
Charles: Jake, there you are.
Jake: No, no, don't come in here! Yeah, the magnet suits have a couple of drawbacks.
Charles: They look cool, though.
Jake: They look so cool! Probably still worth it.
Quote from Jake
Charles: So we stick to the bottom of the truck. It's brilliant. But how do we get on?
Jake: Through a manhole outside the precinct. We just have to get Gina to stop right on top of it.
Charles: She might stop for a pedestrian. If we could figure out someone who is willing to step in front of a moving truck.
Jake: Lucky for us, we know someone will do anything for money. [claps]
Bill: Hey, guys.
Charles: Hey, Bill. Rough year?
Bill: Yeah, the pandemic was really hard on my industry.
Charles: Which is?
Bill: Nursing home seductions.
Charles: Oh, my God.
Jake: Well, like I say every heist: that's enough, Bill.
Quote from Jake
Amy: Oh, Jake, what do we do now?
Jake: Obviously, our plans have changed a little, but the perfect goodbye is still in our sights. Our objective is the same. Get that tube from Gina before Holt does.
Amy: How do we break into an armored truck?
Rosa: [enters] What are you two doing?
Amy: Oh, sorry, Mac's done with daycare so we had the babysitter bring him by so we could say hi. 'Cause we're gonna be home late tonight, so...
Jake: Yeah, just trying to strike that heist-life balance. Isn't that right, little Mac-a-docious? Isn't that right, Mac-a-roonie?
Amy: Yeah.
Rosa: Ugh. Well, when you're done, come find me. We gotta talk strategy. [exits]
Amy: Got it.
Jake: I can't believe she fell for it.
Tiffany: So, I don't understand, you guys are paying me to babysit a fake baby?
Jake: Yeah, we're just hoping people think it's real.
Tiffany: Oh, cool. You think it's working?
Jake: I do not.
Quote from Sergeant Jeffords
Sergeant Jeffords: Thank you for considering me. Again, I'm sorry about that interruption. I know the heist seems crazy.
Deputy Chief Williams: No, no, no. In a difficult job, it's vital to give people a chance to blow off some steam. That's just good leadership.
Sergeant Jeffords: Wow! I was sure you'd be angry. I figured this interview was over. [chuckles] What? There's a price tag on this chair.
Deputy Chief Williams: Oh, well, I must have forgotten to take it off. It's a recent purchase. You should know, Jeffords, I want to keep you here.
Sergeant Jeffords: You want to keep me here?
Deputy Chief Williams: Yes, at the NYPD.
Sergeant Jeffords: Hmm. Wait a minute. There's no light bulb in this lamp. This computer isn't even plugged in. And there is no light coming from this window. Son of a bitch! This is a fake office. It's all part of the heist!
Quote from Jake
Jake: Oh, no! Janitor Dan is erasing the clue!
All: No! Stop! Stop!
Janitor: You're welcome.
Jake: Damn it. I love that guy, he's so nice. Ruined the whole heist and we can't even be mad at him.
Quote from Jake
Amy: 'Kay, but why are we on different teams?
Jake: Because in order for this to work, we absolutely have to win the first leg of the heist. It doubles our chances.
Amy: Got it, so basically we just have to keep Holt from getting that tube.
Jake: Yes, indeed. I just realized we haven't been alone without Mac for like three months.
Amy: Desk?
Jake: Yep, let's do it.
Amy: All right.
Quote from Jake
Jake: So... we're good?
Amy: Yeah, we're good.
Jake: Oh, thank God, I spent so much money on this plan.
Amy: How much money, Jake?
Jake: I mean, not an insane amount. Mac definitely has to go to state college now, but the important thing is we're on the same page.