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Quote from Katie Peralta in the episode DFW

Kate Peralta: So I went to the bathroom and started vaping to calm down.
Then this weird-ass lady comes up to me, and I'm like, bitch, you're trying to tell me your kid doesn't like the smell of cotton candy?

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Amy: Right, but the only thing I don't get is why they would handcuff you for vaping.
Kate Peralta: Because they're the worst!
Jake: Yeah, Amy, 'cause they're the worst.
Kate Peralta: Also, I slapped a stewardess, real hard. With my fist.
Jake: Oh. So they were not the worst.

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Jake: It's so crazy that we're finally meeting each other. So just forget about the plane. That's ancient history.
Kate Peralta: Really?
Jake: Yes. This trip was about us getting to know each other, so let's do that.
Kate Peralta: Okay.
Jake: What's your favorite scene in "Die Hard"?
Kate Peralta: Die what?
Jake: It's okay.
Amy: It's okay.

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Jake: Okay, that is nothing. The one parent-teacher conference my dad went to, he had sex with my teacher on top of the diorama I made of the first Thanksgiving.
Amy: Oh, no, he ruined all your hard work.
Jake: Oh, not really, it was just a bunch of Smurfs on a plate.

Quote from Katie Peralta in the episode DFW

Kate Peralta: He came to visit once, and hooked up with my mom's entire book club. She can't see a copy of "A Prayer For Owen Meany" without fully weeping.

Quote from Amy in the episode DFW

Kate Peralta: Anyway, that's my boring life in Dallas. But I'm here now, and I want to see the real New York. Let's like-
Amy: Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge?
Kate Peralta: Get tanked at the Times Square Olive Garden. And get our pictures taken with a human statue.
Amy: Right. The real New York.

Quote from Rosa in the episode DFW

Rosa: What do you want?
Gina: To find you love.
Rosa: Ugh.
Gina: Come on! Check it out: Dannika, 34. The only female trader-
Rosa: Pass. Finance people are the worst.

Quote from Amy in the episode DFW

Jake: Look, she's a survivor. She's had a really hard life. And I thought it bad 'cause I would only see my dad for like an afternoon once a year, but compared to her, I was a real DJ Tanner. "Full House". Her dad was always around.
Amy: Yeah, I've seen "Full House".

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode DFW

Sergeant Jeffords: Time to go home. Oh, no. Terry can't move. Terry needs help.

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Kate Peralta: Well, 55 minutes in the shower and that silver paint - will not come off.
Jake: Gross.

Quote from Amy in the episode DFW

Jake: Right. Wait, I've got it. The only reason Kate wants to move here is because Kurt dumped her, but what if we can get him to take her back? Then she would definitely want to stay in Dallas!
Amy: Ooh, that's smart, but what if he's a rational person and he doesn't want to be with her anymore?
Jake: Not a problem. I found his Facebook page. He just posted a black and white photo of a dead flower with the hashtags "my heart," "Kate forever" and "love is dead.
Amy: He misses her for some reason.

Quote from Amy in the episode DFW

Jake: Amy, this is it. He clearly already wants to get back together. All we have to do is convince him to fly here.
Amy: Jake, this might work.
Jake: Yes! But are we actually gonna do this? Are we really going to fly a man to New York City just to ensure that my new sister doesn't move here?
Kate Peralta: Hey, Amy, do you have a morning-after pill I could bomb? I will get you back.
Amy: Use. My. Miles.

Quote from Katie Peralta in the episode DFW

Kate Peralta: Why are we going home? We haven't even done the "Sex and the City" tour. Oh, my gosh, I am such a "that one who fell through the sidewalk hole".
Jake: Yeah, you totally are.

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Jake: Kate, you didn't tell us how handsome Kurt is. I love your ... jean shorts.

Quote from Jake in the episode DFW

Jake: You're not good enough for my sister. I didn't realize you were this tall. Kurt. She's not going anywhere with you. Take your jean shorts and the butt that's in them and get out of my apartment.

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