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Quote from Jake in the episode Two Turkeys

Jake: Okay, the house is all clean. The wine is in the fridge. What is this pitcher of gray water?
Karen Peralta: I read an article that said when you wash vegetables, all the nutrients leech into the water and then you can drink it. They call it a super water.
Jake: Oh. Well, that's neat. I am gonna just hide it right over here.

Quote from Jake in the episode Two Turkeys

Karen Peralta: Hola. Feliz Thanksgiving. Jake told me you were Cuban.
Jake: Yes, I did, and I regret it.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: I went to a meeting and when I returned, my pie was gone. Which one of you took it?
Rosa: Calm down, there's no need to point fingers. At us. It was clearly Hitchcock and Scully.

Quote from Jake in the episode Two Turkeys

Amy: Maybe we could play a game.
Jake: No. No games. My dad gets super competitive. He used to flip out on me when I beat him at Adult Clue. It was the only board game he had at his condo. All the murder weapons were sex toys.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: How long you been planning this? A day? A week? A year? Or is this the only reason you joined the force to begin with?
Charles: So you think I became a cop just so I can steal your pie?
Captain Holt: Your words not mine.

Quote from Charles in the episode Two Turkeys

Charles: I was at the grocery store buying goose feet for Nikolaj's dinner.

Quote from Roger Peralta in the episode Two Turkeys

Roger Peralta: Hey, I used to fly with Sully Sullenberger.
Camila Santiago: What he did was amazing.
Roger Peralta: Between us, I could have landed that plane on the ground at the destination without killing any of those birds.

Quote from Jake in the episode Two Turkeys

Jake: This is a nightmare. This is worse than my sixth birthday party when I caught my dad making out with a female clown in the bounce house. Oh, my dad is the worst.

Quote from Jake in the episode Two Turkeys

Jake: Plus, you gotta admit, your parents were being a little condescending.
Amy: Why? Because they asked what was in the dip that seemed to be just mayo?
Jake: All dip is just mayo.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: Diaz, if you were changing the oil in your bike for your big ride up the coast, then tell me, why is your tank only half full?
Rosa: You dipsticked my bike?
Captain Holt: That's not all I dipsticked.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: And, Boyle, out buying goose feet for Nickolaj?
Charles: Nikolaj.
Captain Holt: I found your grocery store receipt. No feet of any kind. But there was one purchase, a beverage that pairs perfectly with pie. One gallon of milk!

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: This heist took three people. Lady Dipstick, Mr. Fib, and the Milk Man. The jig is up. Confess.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Two Turkeys

Rosa: Okay, I lied.
Captain Holt: Thank you.
Rosa: Not about the pie. About my Thanksgiving. I'm not spending it alone. I'm spending it with my family. We're seeing the new "Minions" musical on Broadway. And I wasn't putting oil in my bike. I was picking up these matching T-shirts for my whole family. I missed my family a lot when I was in prison and we've gotten really close again. I was embarrassed about how pumped I am to see them.
The T-shirts were my idea.

Quote from Hitchcock in the episode Two Turkeys

Captain Holt: My pie, and it wasn't even eaten. Just thrown away like common street trash.
Hitchcock: Makes me sick. Spend your life on the force, and it never gets easier.

Quote from Roger Peralta in the episode Two Turkeys

Roger Peralta: She said it was a bowl. Bet you didn't know I understood Spanish.
Victor Santiago: Very impressive. You learn that from one of your mistresses?
Roger Peralta: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I did.

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