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Quote from Jake in the episode The Night Shift

Jake: But I want to apologize.
Charles: For what?
Jake: Well, I kept talking about how I wanted everything to go back to normal, but if that actually happened, this little guy wouldn't be here. Or is he big? I don't know what size kids are supposed to be, or anything about kids, really. I think maybe that's part of the problem. It doesn't matter. I got a present for Nikolaj.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Crime & Punishment

Charles: Did you guys find anything yet?
Pandemic: Yes. Terry made a sizable purchase at an Etsy store that sells anklets for men.
Sergeant Jeffords: Sharon thinks they're sexy. Oh, come on! Focus on the case, man.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Jake: Guilty. Very cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool..... Cool.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Crime & Punishment

Charles: I'm getting worried. We're running out of time.
Nightmare: It's fine. This place is open 24-5. Only closed on weekends.
Sergeant Jeffords: Such a strange theme for a restaurant.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Amy: Let's go back to New York. You can choose the music.
Jake: Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. "Orinoco Flow." On repeat.

Quote from Gina in the episode Crime & Punishment

Gina: The jury's like, "Oh, snap, a twist." Like, they love twists. Any great trial has a twist.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Matthew Langdon: Wait. I'm coming with you.
Jake: You are? You'll testify?
Matthew Langdon: Hawkins has cost me and my wife too many years of happiness. I'm not gonna let her do the same to you.
Amy: Thank you so much.
Matthew Langdon: Well, I'm gonna grab my stuff, and I'll get a few CDs. Hope you like Enya.
Jake: [gasps] Matthew Langdon, you and I are vibing so hard!

Quote from Gina in the episode Crime & Punishment

Samuel Miller: Where are Jack and Rosa?
Gina: I don't know. I'm getting worried, because the jury's getting restless, especially juror number 4. She'd rather be in Lake Havasu with her new boyfriend, Derek. I didn't get that from her face. I was eavesdropping by the vending machine.

Quote from Gina in the episode Crime & Punishment

Captain Holt: So what happened?
Rosa: I guess I wasn't ready to say good-bye to my family.
Captain Holt: Good. Neither were we.
Gina: Now what I'm picking up on is just a genuine moment of friendship and respect. And now I'm feeling like you wish I would stop analyzing you 'cause I'm ruining the moment. But you guys are so cute. I love you.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Crime & Punishment

Rosa: I'm here! Sorry, traffic was a nightmare coming back from Philadelphia, cheesesteak restaurant. They do breakfast. It checks out.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Jake: I guess now we have to actually talk about what happens if the jury finds me guilty.
Amy: They still might not. We could still go to Paris.
Jake: Forget Paris. Billy Crystal. Nailed it.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Crime & Punishment

Rosa: I don't know why you're here. You're not gonna change my mind.
Captain Holt: I know. I just wanted to say good-bye.
Rosa: Okay. Good-bye.
Captain Holt: I hope you know your family's gonna miss you.
Rosa: I don't care. I barely speak to them.
Captain Holt: I was talking about the Nine-Nine. Be safe, Rachel Weinstein.

Quote from Amy in the episode Crime & Punishment

Amy: Babe, are you sure we're in the right place? This looks like where they shot "The Village."
Jake: Amy, don't say things like that. You're gonna scare me. You know that.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Jake: Oof. It's pungent out here. It's so weird how food smells so good but farms smell so bad.

Quote from Jake in the episode Crime & Punishment

Matthew Langdon: I'll talk to you, but you gotta follow me; I gotta go feed the hogs.
Jake: Oh, my God, what are you gonna feed them? Is it us?
Matthew Langdon: Corn.
Jake: Hmm, corn. Maize, as there was at the first Thanksgiving.
Amy: Jake.
Jake: Right. Let's go talk.

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