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Quote from Jake in the episode The Bimbo

Jake: I know Dean Allister humiliated us, but we can still have our revenge. I watched a ton of horny '80s comedies when I was a kid, and they're filled with ways of getting back at mean deans. So we are gonna throw the wildest party this campus has ever seen.
Captain Holt: No.
Jake: Okay, then we'll have a bikini car wash.

Quote from Hitchcock in the episode Hitchcock & Scully

Jake: Which once again begs the question, what happened to those guys? I mean, when did it all fall apart?
[cut to young Hitchcock and Scully at Wing Slutz]
Young Scully: Hey, Donna, just want to make sure you're okay here working at Wing Slutz.
Young Marissa Costa: Yeah. It's a good job, and I'm excited about my new life. Thanks.
Young Scully: Our pleas. Well, we're gonna go hit the gym for the second time today.
Young Marissa Costa: Wait. You need some protein to fuel those hard bodies. It's on me.
Young Hitchcock: Ah, what the heck. One wing can't hurt.
[Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" playing]

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Bimbo

Captain Holt: No, no, save your schemes. I know exactly how to get back at the dean. By arresting him.
Jake: For what? It seems pretty obvious that Port did it.
Captain Holt: No, no, that makes no sense. Why would someone steal something valuable and then leave it in their desk?
Jake: I feel like this is a veiled shot at me for leaving the crown in my desk during the third Halloween Heist.
Captain Holt: It is.
Jake: Oh.

Quote from Charles in the episode Gintars

Jake: Charles, are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard.
Charles: Oh, no, I'm fine. I don't have a concussion.
Jake: We'll see about that. How many musical numbers are there in the movie "Zootopia"?
Charles: Oh, just the one.
Jake: Yeah, he's okay.

Quote from Charles in the episode Gintars

Charles: So I told Nikolaj, "Who cares if you're bad at skateboarding? When you grow up, nobody thinks skateboarders are cool." What's cool is hemming your own pants.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Bimbo

Captain Holt: Allister planted the coin in Professor Port's desk. They're rivals.
Jake: Mm.
Captain Holt: Did you see the book Allister was holding back there? A biography of Macedonian general Parmenion. He was taunting us.
Jake: Again, I'm the Hitchcock here. You're gonna have to connect the dots for me.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Golden Child

Amy: You were defending my honor. And I'm glad you said something.
Jake: So should I go back and apologize to your mom?
Amy: Oh, hell no. We're sneaking out the back.
Jake: Oh, thank God. She is terrifying. See ya at Thanksgiving, Mrs. Santiago.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Cinco De Mayo

Captain Holt: I'm texting Kevin to bring the cummerbund. You'll see who the real winner is, you braggy breeders.

Quote from Jake in the episode Ticking Clocks

Sergeant Knox: Damn it, I tried to remove the server from the chain, but the hacker blocked the protocol.
Jake: Why don't you just unplug it? That's what I do any time I'm having computer trouble. And also I code a lot. Java, mainframe. This guy knows what I'm talking about.

Quote from Jake in the episode Cinco De Mayo

Jake: But the point is, I planned everything, starting with Scully's bracelet. It had to be the prize because I have prepared the greatest reveal in heist history. Allow me to introduce you to Other Scully.
Earl: Hi, I'm Earl, Norm's twin brother.
Sergeant Jeffords: Why's Scully never mentioned he had a twin before?
Jake: Because no one talks about their siblings with coworkers.
Sergeant Jeffords: I've told you about my brother Lawrence.
Jake: Nope, and I don't want to learn about him and I already forgot his name. Now let's go. It's time to heist.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Bimbo

Dean Wesley Allister: I'm surprised you didn't know about them. Kevin must have gotten a pair. Oh, I remember what happened. You had to leave the Christmas party before they were handed out. Why was that again? Oh, yes. The kerfuffle.
Jake: But what about the autobiography of Persimminons you were taunting us with?
Dean Wesley Allister: I suppose I can see how holding any book would seem like a taunt to you.
Jake: I own a book.
Dean Wesley Allister: But I don't think Raymond is remembering the story correctly. Alexander didn't see Parmenion as a rival. He killed him over a dispute about his son.
Jake: Oh, no, it's Boethius all over again.
Dean Wesley Allister: At least you got one thing right. You do have a rock hard brain. Because that's bad. Everyone knows that a brain should be soft and wet.
Captain Holt: I wanted to say that, but Jake told me not to.
Jake: Yeah, because it's gross.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Golden Child

Jake: He's in a lot of trouble, you know.
Amy: Yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right. It's a terrible situation. Let's go bail him out.
Jake: All right.
Amy: Ooh, should I get my hair blown out first? I'm gonna have pictures from today for the rest of my life.
Jake: Are you a bad person?

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Golden Child

Charles: It's Captain Holt.
Sergeant Jeffords: Captain Holt? He was the worst one! No offense, but Holt was so unconvincing. He kept referring to his childhood as a soot-covered street urchin.
Captain Holt: Yes, I gave myself a Dickensian backstory, which apparently made quite the impression.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Golden Child

Charles: I'm sorry, Sarge. Honestly, I don't think I'm the right director to bring your vision of Maxwell Blaze to life.
Sergeant Jeffords: What does that even mean?
Captain Holt: It means you blew it. Walk away, Jeffords. Walk away.

Quote from Charles in the episode The Tattler

Jake: It was not a sexy nickname! It was a scarlet letter, and it ruined my senior year ... but luckily, I'm over all that now.
Charles: Not me. I'm gonna go to this reunion tonight and kick Brandon Bliss in the butthole.
Jake: Horrifying, but that won't be necessary, Charles, for my awesome life will do the butthole-kicking this eve.

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