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Quote from Jake in the episode The Night Shift

Jake: Okay. Crank up the tunes, Boyle. The Night Boys need an anthem. Something dark, something tough, something I already got it. [Lionel Richie's "All Night Long" playing] You know what? I'm into it.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Night Shift

Captain Holt: According to a recent study, the physical act of smiling can improve your mood. I suggest we give it a shot. Eh? Now you all try. Big smiles, bigger, bigger! Great, now we just have to stay like this for the next two hours. Can you feel it working?

Quote from Gina in the episode The Night Shift

Captain Holt: Gina, why aren't you dancing?
Gina: I can't. I'm in the middle of a feud with the "that's not a knife" guy from "Crocodile Dundee." He's being a real bitch.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Night Shift

Sergeant Jeffords: It's a beginning-of-work hang.
Captain Holt: And why are you all in such good moods?
Amy: Because you told us that you're miserable, too. And that means you'll fight to get us off the night shift, right?
Captain Holt: Well, here's what I have to say about that: The night shift stinks. Stinks like a butt. And I will do everything in my power to make sure we get back to the day shift. What are we standing around for? Put some Sousa on already. I want to get wild.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Night Shift

Jake: But I want to apologize.
Charles: For what?
Jake: Well, I kept talking about how I wanted everything to go back to normal, but if that actually happened, this little guy wouldn't be here. Or is he big? I don't know what size kids are supposed to be, or anything about kids, really. I think maybe that's part of the problem. It doesn't matter. I got a present for Nikolaj.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Halloween IV

Jake: Now, then, locking the caboodle.
Captain Holt: The "ca-boo-dale" will be placed in the center of the bullpen.
Jake: Right, and what is the name of the store at the mall that sells the sticky pastries?
Captain Holt: You mean the "See-nay-bone"?
Jake: Yeah, that was it. Thanks. Continue.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Halloween IV

Jake: [gasps] The caboodle!
Amy: The caboodle!
Captain Holt: The "ca-boo-dale"!

Quote from Scully in the episode Halloween IV

Sergeant Jeffords: Look, I wasn't hiding. I was doing my work. Hitchcock and Scully were with me.
Jake: Were they, or perhaps were they distracted by your brilliant pizza ruse?
Scully: Totally distracted. I ate two whole pies. Folded 'em up like tacos.

Quote from Jake in the episode Monster in the Closet

Gina: Check it out! Rainstick. Keeping it.
Jake: No, you're not. That is a crime.
Gina: Untrue. Once you steal something, none of your stuff belongs to you.
Adrian Pimento: I've heard that too.
Jake: No, you haven't. No one has. Put that down.

Quote from Charles in the episode Captain Latvia

Captain Holt: The question on the table is, do we add a velvet-voiced drunkard to our caroling group, or do we lose miserably like a bunch of miserable losers? I say we do it, and I'm the boss. Therefore, meeting adjourned.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Captain Latvia

Amy: Sir, say something.
Captain Holt: I'm sorry, but there's been a police emergency. There's a bomb.
[crowd murmurs] Not here, far away, but they still need us. So Merry Christmas. And don't think about the bomb. Bye.
Hitchcock: That sounded great.
Sergeant Jeffords: Not now, Hitchcock.

Quote from Charles in the episode Captain Latvia

Charles: Hey, is there anything on that tablet that will lead us to his toy?
Jake: I don't know, it's locked, but don't worry. Our tech guys will get it open in no time.
Charles: Pssh, I don't have time for those dorks.
Jake: What? But you love Ted and Craig. You fly kites with them every weekend.
Charles: They're good guys. Give me the damn tablet!

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Captain Latvia

Captain Holt: We cannot let this stand. But there's no way we can beat them. What do we do?
Hitchcock: My rapping's still on the table.
Captain Holt: It's not even in the dining room.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Fugitive (Part 1)

Captain Holt: All right, everyone. Listen up. We have a situation. Ten minutes ago, a prison van overturned on Nevins Street. It was carrying nine convicts who are now at large. It's our job to bring them in. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a manhunt.
Jake: (GASPS) A manhunt. Okay, what I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in the area. Your fugitive's name is Dr. Richard Kimble.
Captain Holt: There must be some sort of error. There are nine fugitives, and none of them are named Kimble.
Jake: I didn't kill my wife!
Captain Holt: What?
Jake: You're supposed to go, "I don't care!"
Captain Holt: I don't care.
Jake: Let the manhunt begin.

Quote from Hitchcock in the episode The Audit

Hitchcock: I have a similar question about browser histories.
Captain Holt: Just throw your computer away.
Hitchcock: Roger that.

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