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Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode The Oolong Slayer

Charles: Sarge, I know you have every right to be stressed out.
A new kid on the way, Sharon's on bed rest, global warming-
Sergeant Jeffords: This preamble is making me nibby. Get to the point.

Quote from Jake in the episode Into the Woods

Sergeant Jeffords: Well, can you see anything from up there?
Jake: Yes, I can Stink Puddle Manor, about 65 trees sunward.
Man, one day in the woods, and I'm freakin' Lewis and Clark up here.

Quote from Jake in the episode Ava

Sergeant Jeffords: I just wanted to ask: If Sharon gets here before I'm back from Rikers, can you make sure she's comfortable? And also, um, keep Captain Holt away from her.
Jake: Really? Why?
Sergeant Jeffords: He's always weird around her and it stresses her out. She says he reminds her of those judgmental trees from Lord of the Rings.
Jake: (scoffs) They're called Ents. Get a life, dweeb.
Sergeant Jeffords: I don't care.
Jake: Okay.

Quote from Doug Judy in the episode The Cruise

Jake: Whatever, Judy. You're under arrest.
Doug Judy: You can't arrest me, boo. We're in international waters, which is also why I can smoke as much weed as I want. Welcome to the high seas.
Jake: No, no way that that's true. Amy, tell me I can arrest him right now.
Amy: Judy's right. We have no jurisdiction. Technically this boat flies under the flag of Uzbekistan.
Doug Judy: Uh-oh, your girl knows about the Uzbeks!

Quote from Scully in the episode Hostage Situation

Amy: Rejected? I've never been rejected from anything.
Scully: Me neither. Oops, did you say rejected or ejected? I've been rejected a lot.
Amy: I don't understand. My application was so good.
Scully: You know what? I've also been ejected. Flume ride, Topeka, Kansas.
Amy: How did this happen?
Scully: Just forgot to put on the belt.

Quote from Jake in the episode 9 Days

Captain Holt: Morning, everyone.
Jake: Morning, sir. Hey, look. We're food stain buds. Who are you wearing? Porridge?
Captain Holt: Um, oatmeal.

Quote from Rosa in the episode 9 Days

Rosa: Anyway, we have to work a stream of B&E's on 4th Street. It's time for you to move on. It's what Jackson would've wanted.
Charles: Jason!
Rosa: Whatever, little buddy.

Quote from other character in the episode Adrian Pimento

Adrian Pimento: This was a mistake. I'm not ready. I knew I wasn't ready to go back to being police. It's the only job I've ever had except for bagging groceries at the supermarket at the corner of Atlantic and Clinton. I guess I could go back to that again. "Paper or plastic?" Yeah, still got it.

Quote from Gina in the episode Adrian Pimento

Rosa: I don't understand why I'm on a wheelchair.
Gina: Cut! For the last time, Rosa, through the magic of special effects, the wheelchair will turn into a horse, but I need you to work with me. Give me a little "hee-yah! Hee-yah!"

Quote from Jake in the episode Cheddar

Jake: Oh, let me get that. Try now. Oh, I can't control the locks. Hang on. Try now.
One, two, three. Try now. Try now. Here we come, Cheddar! Try now. Here we come, Cheddar! Try now. Try now. Try now. Here we come, Cheddar! Try now.

Quote from Jake in the episode New Captain

Jake: Holy Moses. He's alive.

Quote from Gina in the episode Greg and Larry

Gina: Oh-ho, Terry took you down!

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