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Quote from Jake in the episode Thanksgiving

Jake: Why do we have to dress up for Thanksgiving? I don't even celebrate that stuff. The whole holiday is based on over-eating. We should be wearing velvet track suits and diapers.

Quote from Rosa in the episode Pilot

Rosa: Maybe it's just old person gunk. You know how old people always have that gunk on them.

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode M.E. Time

Sergeant Jeffords: This is a lot of pressure. If I'm going to do this, it has to be done right.
Scully, get me my oils.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode The Vulture

Jake: I can't believe you're just rolling over and giving my murder away to The Vulture.
Charles: We call him The Vulture because he swoops in and solves cases that are almost solved and takes the credit for himself.
Captain Holt: Yes, Boyle, I put that together from context.

Quote from The Vulture in the episode The Vulture

Rosa: On my count. One, two-
The Vulture: Three! I got it from here! Yeah! Get up! Get up! Turn around!
[cut to:]
Amy: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say-
The Vulture: Can and will be used against you in a court of law. Thanks, guys, I got it from here. Let's go. Beat it!
[cut to:]
Barista: Skim white chocolate macchiato for Charles.
The Vulture: I got it from here.
Charles: I used a gift card for that!

Quote from Hitchcock in the episode The Vulture

Jake: All right, Hitchcock, you're up.
Hitchcock: The body. The corkscrew's still in the body.
Jake: No, you're terrible at this. Go sit down.

Quote from The Vulture in the episode The Vulture

Captain Holt: Would you like to sit down, Detective? You seem upset.
The Vulture: Hell yeah, I'm upset. Your team disrupted a crime scene over which they have zero, zero, jurisdiction. They were publicly drunk. Apparently one of them pressed all the buttons on the elevator. Only, maybe he just bumped up against the panel with that big white ass of his.

Quote from Charles in the episode The Vulture

Jake: [o.s.] Boyle, we're pulling you out!
Charles: [after falling down the trash chute] This is the proudest moment of my career. [hit on the head by a trash bag]

Quote from Sergeant Jeffords in the episode Old School

Sergeant Jeffords: And always make good eye contact.
Charles: But don't stare at people.
Sergeant Jeffords: Yeah, you gotta blink.
Charles: But don't blink too much.
Sergeant Jeffords: Or too fast.
Charles: I think the bigger worry is slow blinks.
Sergeant Jeffords: Don't blink too fast or slow or too much or too little.

Quote from Jake in the episode Old School

Jimmy Brogan: Well maybe you should learn to handle your brown.
Jake: Eww.

Quote from other character in the episode Sal's Pizza

Jake: What are you doing here, you nimrod?
Fire Marshall Boone: Uh, there was a fire. Big question is, what are you doing here? What, did someone call in a missing donut?

Quote from Jake in the episode Thanksgiving

Jake: Hey there, criminal. It's me, Johnny Law.

Quote from Charles in the episode Thanksgiving

Charles: I am thankful to have someone in my life who gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning. And I hope that my relationship with this person will only grow ... more intimate.
Gina: Who are you talking about?
Charles: Umm, Hitchcock.

Quote from Charles in the episode Christmas

Charles: This is just like Christmas at my parent's house! Why do they have separate dining rooms?

Quote from Jake in the episode Christmas

Jake: Okay, I see what you're doing. "Tushie".
Captain Holt: It's touche.
Jake: Well, I'm in charge and I say it's tushie.

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