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Quote from Jake in the episode 99

Jake: What's going on is Captain Holt has an interview to become the Commissioner of the freakin' NYPD, and he's gonna nail it and fulfill his destiny as Lord High Commander of all Justice.

Quote from Gina in the episode DFW

Rosa: I'm sorry. I just don't think this is something you're good at.
Gina: What? The only thing I'm not good at is modesty, because I'm great at it.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode DFW

Sergeant Jeffords: Captain Holt, I need a - what's going on?
Captain Holt: My doctor said I should be more active, but my squash club recently transitioned to racquetball. Since I'm not a dope-smoking hooligan, I decided to quit.

Quote from Jake in the episode The Big House Pt. 2

Jake: You know what? I think my Blizz is wearing off. I should probably go lie down.
Romero: Yeah. The diarrhea's coming. That is very common. Don't let the volume scare you.
Jake: Wait. Volume as in noise or amount? Oh, God, it's both, isn't it?

Quote from Jake in the episode The Puzzle Master

Amy: Oh, maybe we should look at anagrams of the answers.
Vin Stermley: That's really good, "o nasty amiga!"
Jake: Oh, what?
Amy: He re-arranged the letters of "Amy Santiago". He anagrammed me! Vin, do Jake Peralta.
Jake: I doubt that's even possible.
Vin Stermley: Eat a jerk, pal.
Jake: What, no one's ever said that phrase.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode Return to Skyfire

Charles: Hey. The desk sergeant said we're hosting a forensic sciences course.
Captain Holt: Yes, taught by Dr. Ronald Yee.
Amy: He revolutionized the field of forensic entomology. He is a rock star.
Captain Holt: Oh, please. Rock stars wish they were he. The man can tell how long a corpse had been decomposing just by studying the maggots inside. I'd like to see Barbra Streisand do that.
Amy: I'm not sure Barbra Streisand counts as a rock star, sir.
Captain Holt: She sings in English. That's rock music.

Quote from Adrian Pimento in the episode Gray Star Mutual

Adrian Pimento: I got a way better job now. I'm working at one of those fancy hand lotion stores. Spoiler alert: I have a gun again, and I've gotten to use it three times. You would be surprised how often teenage girls try and shoplift mango hand cream.

Quote from Charles in the episode Kicks

Jake: We gotta solve this on our own. And I think I know how. I found a lead on the dark web.
Charles: Nice. The dark web. It's the only place you can buy quality bat meat.

Quote from Amy in the episode Jake & Amy

Amy: Okay, well. I've been planning this wedding for the last six months. And if you told me yesterday everything that was gonna go wrong, I would have had a panic attack that sent me into the ER. But I'm here, and I've never been happier. Life is unpredictable. Not everything's in our control. But as long as you're with the right people, you can handle anything. And you, Jake Peralta, are the right person for me. But I do have some bad news. There is a bomb at this wedding as well.
Jake: What?
Amy: Your butt. Your butt is the bomb. There will be no survivors.

Quote from Captain Holt in the episode HalloVeen

Captain Holt: Wait a minute this isn't the championship cummerbund. This is some common cummerbund. And you're not Cheddar. You're just some common bitch.

Quote from Jake in the episode Jake & Amy

Captain Holt: Now I believe you've prepared your own vows?
Jake: Yes, I was going to do an "Addams Family" themed rap, but my beat-boxer isn't here. That's the only reason it's not happening. So, Ames, today has been a crazy day. But I shouldn't be surprised, because we've had a lot of crazy days. There was our first date, our first kiss, the first time you told me you loved me, and the day you told me you would marry me. Also, yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, because every single day that I get to be with someone as amazing as you is crazy to me. I love you. And I'm worried about dancing in front of our friends. The end.

Quote from Charles in the episode Jake & Amy

Charles: This is happening. Jake and Amy are getting married tonight. Title of my sex tape!
Jake: What?

Quote from other character in the episode Jake & Amy

Jake: Hey, I know you. You're Mlepnos.
Mlepnos: No. We have never met.
Jake: No, I'm pretty sure we have.
Mlepnos: You sell me horse blood?
Jake: No.
Mlepnos: Would you like to buy horse blood?
Jake: No.

Quote from Jake in the episode HalloVeen

Jake: The only way we're gonna win is if we team up.
Amy: Good point. I guess my response is ... rot in hell, crap-face! [GASPS] Also, I love you, and I treasure you, and ya bore me.
Jake: God, you're being so mean. Do it more.

Quote from Jake in the episode HalloVeen

Jake: Look, no one gave me the idea. I decided to ask Amy to marry me all on my own on April 28th.
Amy: [GASPS] There's a typo in this crossword puzzle.

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